J - Y
Diuretic, and is used for cystitis & urethritis.
*** Warm tea of Juniper Berries every 2 hours, rids 'flu' quickly
in a short time.
Mineral of Iodine, natural thyroid gland assistance for hypothyroid
1 teaspoon in med size dogs daily meals of a home prepared one.
LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis)
This essential oil-rich herb has a long history of use as a
remedy for nervousness and depression. It has carminative, nervine,
anti-spasmodic, anti-depressive, diaphoretic and anti-microbial
effects. Uses: It is used to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia,
flatulence, allergies, migraine and viral infections such as
LICORICE (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
One of the most widely used herbs, Licorice has an important
place in both Western and Eastern herbal medicine. It has hormonal,
anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antibacterial and antiviral
effects. Licorice has also been shown to stimulate the immune
Uses: Licorice has
been used to treat inflammatory and allergic conditions, colds,
viral infections, hepatitis, premenstrual syndrome, Addison's
disease, peptic ulcers and skin conditions.
Cautions: Long-term use of Licorice
can raise blood pressure. It should not be used during pregnancy
or by anyone with high blood pressure, liver disease or kidney
Detox for liver/kidney, stimulates adrenal gland, respiratory,
bronchitis, coughs, skin conditions.
Nerves, nerve protection, good for heart dogs, seizure dogs.
1 teaspoon in daily meals. Also for heart or seizure conditions
- please seek Animal therapist for natural medicines and allergy
free diet to heal condition and repair damages.
In moderate doses it will relax the lungs and anti-spasmodic
for seizures
Anti-cancer with stomach, liver, leukaemia, Aids. hypertension.
(diabetes, by lowering blood glucose)
Soothing agent for inflammation of the mouth, stomach, intestines,
kidneys and bladder; similar immune stimulant properties found
in Echinacea. Soothing gastrointestinal disorders, raw throat.
MARSHMALLOW (Althea officinalis)
Marshmallow has a reputation has a soothing, healing plant.
It has demulcent, emollient, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and
expectorant actions.
Uses: Marshmallow
is used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers, catarrh, coughs,
colds and urinary tract infections.
MEADOWSWEET (Filipendula ulmaria) (not for CATS)
Long a remedy for flu, fever, and arthritis, meadowsweet contains
an aspirin-type compound called salicylic acid. It has antiseptic,
anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.
Uses: Meadowsweet
is used to treat rheumatism, ulcers, diarrhoea, kidney problems
and gastric acidity.
MILK THISTLE (Silybum marianum)
St. Milk thistle, which is native to Europe and some parts of
the USA, has powerful liver-protecting properties. It prevents
damage and improves function.
Uses: Milk thistle
is used to treat liver disease, including cirrhosis and hepatitis.
It is also used to treat gallstones and psoriasis.
This LIVER Herb is a MUST for ANY animal that have been
on Cortisones ANY TIME, vaccines, or given heartworm drugs or
any other toxic drugs that destroys the pet's liver.
MILK THISTLE (Silybum marianum seed) & Dandelion
together make a good & gentle liver cleanser, detoxifier,
and repairer.
*Use it for liver or kidney damage, hepatitis (include Echinacea),
jaundice, leptospirosis, and parvovirus recovery. It may be
helpful in chronic skin disorders, tumours, and cancer. This
is a major antioxidant.
Pets that have been on a lot of Veterinary drugs - i.e.
Heartworm prevention drug, Vaccinations, de-worming drugs, or
chemotherapy need this cleansing / repair and protector of the
above herbs.
DOSAGE: DOG - add 3ml herbal extract daily in meals.
Heart, circulation, heart failure, congestive heart failure,
oedema, weak heart, cardiomyopathy, constipation, dysmenorrhea,
rheumatic pain, cancer, liver congestion. Actions: stimulant,
diuretic, digestive, anti inflammatory, vasodilator.
All conditions - kidney, arthritis, energy, cancer, diabetes.(
Noni plant ) This formula is made in Australia only, this fruit
is the only on that has properties that can regenerate tissue
cells. EG Kidney Disease., also a great tonic for sick/cancer
and/or elderly pets. *puts the bounce back in their steps!!
* If you have the Noni Juice, this works just as well for animals.
- Use this concentrate formula or the Noni Juice - add a dropper
full in each daily meals. Cats and dogs.
MOTHERWORT (Leonurus cardiaca)
As it's common name suggests, motherwort is useful for women's
disorders and as the Latin name suggests, it is also beneficial
in treating heart problems.
Uses: Motherwort
is used to treat delayed, absent or painful periods, menopausal
changes, in childbirth and for heart palpitations.
Respiratory, constipation, throat, asthma, bronchitis, nervous
MULLEIN (Verbascum thapsus)
Highly valued has a respiratory remedy, mullein has expectorant,
demulcent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, nervine, anti-spasmodic
and astringent actions.
Uses: Mullein is
used to treat respiratory disorders, particularly bronchitis.
A bone, flesh and cartilage builder; aids in healing respiratory
ailments, asthma, bronchitis, diarrhoea, sinus congestion; soothing
to any inflammation and relieves pain; acts to relieve spasms
& clears the lungs.
(Shiitaki16.6%, Maitaki 16.6%, Reiishi 16.6%, Hakumokuji 25%,
Tochukaso 25%)
Immune Builder (feline AIDS) Cancer / tumours - for
- dogs / cats / horses
NOTE: Healing your pet who has cancer/tumours, you will
need to use the 5 mushroom along with other anti-cancer herbs
& Homeopathic formulas, suited to each individual animals
Please seek a qualified Holistic or Homeopathic Animal Practitioner
for recommendations and dosages. In general treatment give
9 drops 2 x daily in meals for small dog or cat. Double the
dosage for med size dogs.
- Feline AIDS, use the 5 Mushroom Extract along with a Liver
repairer, natural supplemented diet, is a excellent start to
fighting the cancer cells gently and effectively. Also change
your pet to a all preservative free diet with vitamin and mineral
supplements, Rose Hip and Vit E as additives etc. These mushrooms
can be used fresh and extracts are also available in capsule
form. Uses These mushrooms can be used to treat and prevent
a wide variety of disorders, including cancer/tumour, diabetes,
chronic fatigue syndrome, viral infections, high blood pressure,
heart disease and fatigue.
MYRRH (Commiphora molmol)
Myrrh has an ancient reputation as a cleansing agent and it
has antiseptic, anti-fungal and astringent effects. It is often
used in mouthwashes.
Uses: Myrrh is used
to treat sore throats and infected gums. It can also be useful
in the treatment of thrush (Candida albicans infection) antiseptic,
astringent, stomach virus, coughs, asthma.
Ticks, mites, fleas wash external. Also internally good for the immune system.
Its diuretic action flushes the urinary tract of accumulated waste and helps to replace lost electrolytes, being high in assimilation iron, high content of calcium & chlorophyll, rich in Iron & Vit C, anaemia, fevers, colds, hay fever, and allergies, skin disorders, arthritis, urinary infections.
anti-inflammatory and tonic, nourishes the nervous system.
Helps circulation, bacteria, virus, fungi, colds, flu, and parasites, chronic sinusitis
OATSTRAW (Avena sativa)
As well as the seeds, the leaves of the oat plant are used medicinally. Oats has nervine tonic, anti-depressant, nutritive, demulcent and healing properties.
Uses: Oatstraw is used to treat debility, exhaustion, depression and stress. It is useful remedy in those who are convalescing.
OREGON GRAPE ROOT (Mahonia aquifolium)
Also known as mountain grape, this herbs has beneficial effects on the liver and gallbladder and has a good reputation as a blood purifier.
Uses: It is used to treat skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis and acne. As it has laxative effects it is also used in constipation.
Cautions: Oregon grape root should not be used during pregnancy.
Cooling herb
PARSLEY (Petroselinum crispum)
One of the most commonly used culinary herbs, parsley also has medicinal uses due to its diuretic action. Uses Parsley is used to treat urinary infections and stones. It is also used to improve digestion and treat flatulence.
Cautions: Parsley should not be used in medicinal doses during pregnancy.
Parsley - is a nutrient, digestive tract tonic and diuretic. It is high in potassium, minerals, and vitamins. Use it for bladder and kidney infections, incontinence, and for the stomach and liver. Parsley is a blood cleanser, cancer preventive, immune builder, and a tonic for the blood vessels. It helps a mother dog or cat stop lactating and aids in afterbirth pains. Do not use it while the animal is nursing.
For any Animal that are recovering from a illness, surgery or toxic kidney problems.
Horse: fresh Parsley plant, roots and all - once a day for a few days.
Cat: boil water add to a heap of fresh parsley and let steep for 20 minutes, cool, then give a teaspoon to 2 teaspoons daily (in food or by mouth) for a week.
Dogs: Use larger amounts of parsley tea - 1- 2 tablespoon 3/4 times daily.
Can also add finely chopped parsley into their daily meals once or twice a week to help keep kidneys cleansed and free of disease.
Relaxant, seizures, sedative, used in asthma combinations and seizures.
PAU D'ARCO (Tabebuia avellanedae or T. ipe)
The native Indians of Brazil use the bark of this tree for many ailments. It has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects.
Uses: Pau d'arco is used to treat vaginal and intestinal yeast infections. It is also used to treat cancer/tumours ,immune builder, treating systemic and yeast infections, inhibits Candida enzymes from producing, and will increase red blood cell counts.
Antibiotic, tumour-inhibiting, virus-killing, antifungal and antimalarial properties, anaemia, asthma, psoriasis, colitis & various infections by building the immune system.
PELLITORY-OF-THE-WALL (Parietaria officinalis)
Often found in old ruins and walls, pellitory-of-the-wall has soothing, diuretic and astringent properties.
Uses: It is used to treat cystitis, prostate inflammation and urinary stones.
Motion sickness, restore appetites in dogs.
High in chlorophyll, excellent wound healer - abrasions, rashes and insect bites. Internally stomach ulcers to dysentery and septicemic conditions of the blood.
Good for dry coughs and congestion as it will remoisten the lungs making expectoration easier, increase sweating for cold, flu symptoms. Will relieve difficulty in breathing, bronchitis and pleurisy.
Allergies, arthritis, breast cancer, bronchitis, catarrh, chronic rheumatism, constipation, oedema, fever, obesity.
Use Externally: for abscess, boil, fissures, mammary abscess (poultice), sore throat, sounds, tumours. Poke Root- Lymph drainer/stimulant. In conservative doses, will detox body.
Actions: Allergies, arthritis, blood purifier, diuretic, lymphatic, stimulant, anti-inflammatory.
Use in small doses or consult your holistic therapists before using if unsure of dosage required.
Intestinal cleanser. Also helps with impacted anal glands along with homeopathic remedy for repair and healing and detox.
RED CLOVER (Trifolium pratense)
Detox, tumours, high in mineral, called a 'nutritive herb', mild sedative effects on children, good for any chronic disease state. Rich in compounds known as phytoestrogens, red clover has been used in the treatment of cancer.
Uses: Red clover is used to treat skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. It is also useful in the treatment of whooping cough and bronchitis as it has expectorant and antispasmodic action.
Adrenal gland, skin conditions. Rehmannia glutinosa [sheng di huang] Chinese foxglove root
A preparation of this herb and Radix glycyrrhiza uralensis (gan cao) was used to treat 50 cases of hepatitis in various stages. Within 10 days, 41 cases showed improved symptoms, reduced liver and spleen size, and improved liver function tests. Experiments from the 1930s seemed to show that sheng di huang, given to rats via gastric lavage or injection, lowered serum glucose levels. Later studies of this problem showed variable results.
Used to fight infection & curb stress. A useful herb for cancer patients, it is the highest herb in Vitamin C content and contains the entire C-Complex. ...Buy fresh and crush seeds and add to meals OR use herb tea or extract and add to meals. Good for cancer patients, as high Vit C.
Seizures, relaxant, improve circulation to the head, normalize blood pressure and strengthen capillaries in the brain, relieves debility and depression associated with nervous disorder.
SAGE (Salvia officinalis)
cooling herb for skin. Can increase sweating in fevers and flu. A commonly used culinary herb, sage also has medicinal uses. It has carminative, anti-spasmodic, anti-microbial, astringent and anti-inflammatory actions. Uses:
Sage is used to treat colds, sore throats, hot flashes, painful periods and indigestion.
Cautions: Sage should not be used during pregnancy
ST. JOHN'S WORT ( Hypericum perforatum )
Depression, nerves, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties good in ear infections, externally helps nerve damage and inflammation along the spinal cord. St John's wort has a long history of use and has several actions including antidepressant, antiviral and antibacterial effects.
Uses: St John's wort is becoming increasingly popular as a treatment for mild to moderate depression, including menopausal depression. It can also be used to treat viral infections.
Cautions: High doses may cause photosensitivity and gastrointestinal upset.
DO NOT USE - if patient is on Heart Drug Medication from VET or DOCTOR.
Is a major pain reliever for arthritis, rheumatism, wounds, burns, and body injuries. Use it for nerve pain and nerve damage from trauma, and use it for spinal problems and slipped discs. Most known as a homeopathic, hypericum is an antispasmodic, anti-haemorrhage, and heals the lungs, urinary tract, and reproductive organs. Its primary use is for pain in cases where the skin is unbroken.
SAW PALMETTO (Serenoa repens)
Uses: Saw Palmetto is mainly used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy, a disorder in which the prostate gland becomes enlarged. It can also be used to treat urinary tract infections.
SENNA (Cassia acutifolia and C. angustifolia)
Senna is well known for its laxative action.
Uses: Senna is used to treat constipation and haemorrhoids/fissures which require soft stools.
Cautions: Senna should not be used for more than 10 days at a time and should not be used at all during pregnancy; lactation; or by those who have intestinal obstructions, inflammatory bowel disease or abdominal pain due to unknown causes.
Immune regulator, tumor inhibition, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, liver protector.
Tonic, increase performance, stamina, and endurance, increase mental alertness
STONE ROOT (Collinsonia canadensis)
Native to Canada, stone root has diuretic and veinengthening effects.
Uses: Stone root is used to treat kidney stones, gall stones, varicose veins, haemorrhoids and diarrhoea.
SCULLCAP (Scutellaria laterifolia)
Nerve repair, seizures, insomnia, fear, migraine headaches, hypersensitivity. Skullcap is valued for its effects as a nervous system tonic.
Uses: Skullcap is used to treat anxiety as it is calmative, nerve and nervous system repairer, antispasmodic, and pain reliever. More effective than quinine, and not harmful. It is used for epilepsy, spinal problems and injuries, neuritis, twitching muscles, rheumatism, high blood pressure, stress, worry and restlessness.
- Helps reduce high blood pressure, helps heart conditions and disorders of the ventral nervous system such as palsy, hydrophobia and seizures/epilepsy.
A nutritious convalescent food, the powdered inner bark of the tree is the part used medicinally. Slippery elm powder is soothing to the digestive tract and can also be used externally.
Uses: Slippery elm powder is mainly used to treat ulcers and inflammatory conditions of the digestive tract such as gastritis and esophagitis. It can also be used externally to draw and soothe boils, abscesses and burns.
Slippery Elm Powder - It is a nutrient and food for very young, old or very weak cats or dogs.
It coats and heals all inflamed tissue internally and externally, and is used for the stomach, ulcers, bowels and kidneys, constipation, diarrhoea, dysentery and colitis, and the entire digestive tract, use for pet's unable to eat due to stomach / intestine burns from Chemo
Mix a teaspoon of powder with water to a runny paste, and syringe into side of mouth 2 - 3 x daily, until able to
If able to eat - for dogs add 1/4 cup of paste to meals. 1 teaspoon of paste in meals for
Use it externally for wounds, burns, rashes, abscesses, boils, or insect bites, and internally for the lungs, coughing, vomiting, and for stomach or bowel
Use slippery elm as a food in convalescence, mixed with a bit of honey and water. .... It tastes sweet and pets take it
Add small amount with goats milk and beaten raw egg (yolk only)
If pet is really unwell with little or no appetite, use a syringe and feed this way.
Anti-fungal, it is effective in skin problems with ringworm, candidas, urinary tract infections as it retards bacterial growth.
Use only short term as it may irritate kidneys.
THYME (Thymus vulgaris)
A culinary herb, thyme also has medicinal uses. It has carminative, anti-microbial, anti-spasmodic, expectorant and astringent effects.
Uses: Thyme is used to treat sore throats, colds and coughs. It is also useful in improving digestion and treating flatulence.
TURMERIC (Curcuma longa)
A member of the ginger family, turmeric is a commonly used curry spice. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, carminative and cholesterol-lowering effects. It is also beneficial for the digestive system.
Turmeric is used to treat and prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. It may also be useful in inflammatory conditions.
USNEA (usnea spp)
UVA URSI (Arctostaphylos uva ursi)
Nephritis, cystitis, and urethritis and all urinary tract bacterial infections as it contains disinfecting properties, can also be used as an antilithic for bladder and kidney stones and cloudy urine. Uva ursi, which is also known as bearberry, grows in the northern United States and Europe. It has diuretic, astringent and antiseptic properties.
Uses: Uva ursi is used to treat urinary tract infections. The urine must be alkaline for uva ursi to be effective.
Cautions: Uva ursi is toxic in high doses and should not be used in pregnancy or by anyone who has a kidney infection
VALERIAN (Valeriana officinalis)
(similar to Valium drug) is a relaxant, mild pain relief, nerve tonic, hysteria, restlessness and emotional stress. Valerian, which has a long tradition of use as a sedative, is native to Europe and North America. It acts as a sedative and tranquilliser, relieves anxiety, lowers blood pressure, enhances the flow of bile and relaxes intestinal and other smooth muscles.
Uses: Valerian is mainly used to treat insomnia. It decreases the time taken to go to sleep and improves sleep quality and length It reduces anxiety, hysteria, and pain, soothes the nervous system, and reduces high blood pressure.
Valerian slows and strengthens the heart and calms palpitations. It is useful for muscle spasms, arthritic pain, and spinal injuries. It aids indigestion and gas. Though synthesized to Valium, valerian is safe and non-addictive.
* Pets only need 3/4 drops of the liquid extract for relief of pain and discomfort!
Cautions: Valerian may cause morning sleepiness in some people. Rarely, some people may be stimulated by valerian.
VERVAIN (Verbena officinalis)
Highly valued by the druids, vervain has an ancient history of use. It has nervine tonic, sedative, anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, hypotensive and hepatic actions. It also stimulates the flow of mother's milk.
Uses: Vervain is used to treat nervous exhaustion, depression, liver and gallbladder disorders
Cautions: Vervain should not be used in pregnancy
WITHANIA (Withania somnifera)
Anti-tumour, Anti-Inflammatory, reduces inflammation in Rheumatoid arthritis. Putting Cancer and tumours into regression. Plant's high in steroid content has shown more potent action than hydrocortisone in animal and human arthritis. Good for sports injuries. 500mg(5nl) daily of root extract. Mental problems (anxiety, hallucinations, agitation, schiz )
Learning enhancement and memory retention have also been dramatically improved when withania ( 3 caps) gotu Kola (2 caps), ginkgo bilboa (2 caps), were taken regularly on a daily basis. Widely used in Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine, ashwagandha is also known as Indian Ginseng. It improves the response to stress, possibly via an action on the adrenal glands, and also has anti-inflammatory and sedative effects.
Uses: Ashwagandha is used to treat nervous exhaustion, insomnia and malnutrition. It may also be useful in cases of impotence or infertility due to nervous exhaustion, in convalescence, and in debility associated with chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and Crohn's disease
WILD YAM (Dioscorea villosa)
Wild yam is now well known as the source of the chemical from which the female hormone progesterone is produced. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anti-spasmodic effects and also stimulates the release of bile from the gall bladder.
Uses: Wild yam is used to treat pain and spasm, especially rheumatic and menstrual pain. It can also be used to treat urinary tract conditions.
Cautions: Some manufacturers claim that wild yam has a progesterone-like action in the body. This claim has not been supported by research.
WILLOW (Salix alba)
White willow is one of the natural sources of aspirin and like that drug, it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties
Uses: Willow is used to treat fevers, arthritis and aches and pains of all kinds.
WITHANIA (Withania somnifera)
Anti-tumour, Anti-Inflammatory, reduces inflammation in Rheumatoid arthritis. Putting Cancer and tumours into regression. Plant's high in steroid content has shown more potent action than hydrocortisone in animal and human arthritis. Good for sports injuries. 500mg(5nl) daily of root extract. Mental problems (anxiety, hallucinations, agitation, schiz )
Learning enhancement and memory retention have also been dramatically improved when withania ( 3 caps) gotu Kola (2 caps), ginkgo bilboa (2 caps), were taken regularly on a daily basis. Widely used in Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine, ashwagandha is also known as Indian Ginseng. It improves the response to stress, possibly via an action on the adrenal glands, and also has anti-inflammatory and sedative effects.
Uses: Ashwagandha is used to treat nervous exhaustion, insomnia and malnutrition. It may also be useful in cases of impotence or infertility due to nervous exhaustion, in convalescence, and in debility associated with chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and Crohn's disease
Anti-fungal, anti-stomach viral, anti-parasite.
CAUTION * TOXIC to Horses.
Add several drops to dogs meals as part of the Heartworm prevention. (OR) Treatment. Along with the Homeopathic
Heartworm Nosode Immunisation is also available on electronic store.
YARROW (Serenoa repens)
Will stop passive Internal bleeding, cleanses liver, and bladder. Is for fever and infectious disease; stops internal bleeding; cleanses the liver, kidney and bladder; heals the mucous membranes; stops diarrhoea; heals the lungs and circulation; and balances the endocrine system. Its chemical make is close enough to insulin that yarrow may be a significant remedy for some pets with diabetes. for an animal with this condition, proceed slowly and with expert help, and get the person to monitor blood sugar levels frequently. There can be no stopping and starting in treating diabetes; if the remedy works, keep the pet on it, and monitor closely.
Chelated Chromium tablets (crushed) is another sugar balancing product.
Externally, yarrow is an antiseptic for wounds, rashes, and deep punctures - use as a poultice or compress.
Nutritive tonic, high in Iron and useful in treating anaemia; also nourishes the spleen and Liver, thus effective of Jaundice, Lymphatic problems & skin eruptions. Boils, ulcers, wounds, cleansing blood. Mineral-rich plant, especially in iron. Anaemia.
Excellent as a blood purifier and toning up the entire system. anaemia, Iron, ulcers.
Good for rheumatoid arthritis, oxygen in muscles, cystitis, bleeding gums, very similar to Goldenseal.
Is gaining increasing attention among dog guardians for its success in treating arthritis, hip dysplasia, and other degenerative bone and joint diseases. (although not for cancer of the bone)
It reduces pain and increases mobility by production of natural steroids in the body. Yucca also aids digestion and is a liver, blood, and digestive system detoxifier. It is helpful for allergies, asthma, skin problems, body odour, and stress, arthritis
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[Herbal Treatments]
Diana Hayes DIHom Dip Animal Homeopathy
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