The American Kennel Club requires a dog to obtain a total of 15 points with two major wins (a major win is worth three points or higher) to become a champion. The majors must be won under different judges and at least one other judge must award some of the remaining points - so you need to win under at least three different judges.
Most competitive events held under AKC
rules are dog shows, where the accent is on conformation. After being examined
by a judge, dogs are placed according to how well (in the judge's opinion) they
measure up to their breed standard.
To be eligible to enter, an AKC-registered dog must be at least six months old
on the day of the show and be of a breed for which classes are offered in the
premium list (the list of breeds being shown). Dogs that are spayed or neutered
are only eligible to be shown in stud dog and brood bitch classes. Dogs with
disqualifying faults as described in their breed standard are ineligible.
There are three types of dog shows: specialty, group and all-breed.
Specialty shows are limited to dogs of one breed and group shows are limited to
a particular AKC group. All-breed shows, as the name indicates, are for all AKC
Most show dogs are competing for points toward their championship. To become an
official AKC champion of record, a dog must earn a total of 15 points, which
would include 2 major wins under 2 different judges. These points are awarded
based on the number of dogs in actual competition--the more dogs, the more
points. However, the number of dogs required for points varies with the breed,
sex and geographical location of the show. The AKC makes up a schedule of
points each year to help equalize competition from breed to breed and area to
Dogs can earn from one to five points at a show. A win of three, four or five
points is called a major. The 15 points required for a championship must be won
under at least three different judges, and must include two majors won under
different judges.
There are six regular classes in which dogs seeking points may compete. (Dogs
that are competing for points are frequently referred to as class dogs.) these
classes are
Puppy (frequently subdivided into
6 to 9 months and 9 to 12 months);
12 to 18 Months;
Novice (dogs that have no points toward their championship and have not
won three first prizes in the Novice class or a first prize in any but the
Puppy classes);
Bred by Exhibitor (the dog must be owned or co-owned by any one of the
breeders of record or a spouse and must be shown by one of the breeders of
record or a member of their immediate families);
American Bred;
and Open (which may be divided according to weight or color).
There is no intersex competition in these
classes; dogs compete against other dogs, and bitches against other bitches.
Only one male (dog) and one female (bitch) of each breed can win points at a
Judging in every breed proceeds along the same lines. The judge begins with the
Puppy Dog class. In each class the dogs are evaluated and placements are made
for first, second, third and fourth. Only the first-place winner in each class
remains in competition; the others are eliminated.
After the judge has completed the Puppy Dogs, 12-to-18-Month Dogs, Novice Dogs,
Bred-by-Exhibitor Dogs, American-Bred Dogs and Open Dogs, the first place
winners from each class are brought back to compete against one another. This
is called Winners class. The dog selected best is the Winners Dog. He is the
male who receives the points at the show. Next, the dog that placed second to
the Winners Dog in his original class is brought into the ring to compete with
the other class winners for Reserve Winners Dog. The Reserve Winners Dog will
receive the points if for any reason the Winners Dog is disallowed by the AKC.
The same process is repeated in bitches, resulting in a Winners Bitch (the only
bitch of the breed to receive points at the show) and a Reserve Winners Bitch.
Next, the Best of Breed/Variety class is judged. All dogs and bitches that are
already champions enter in the ring for this class, joined by the Winners Dog
and Winners Bitch, the judge selects one Best of Breed/Variety. Then, between
the Winners Dog and Winners Bitch, the judge selects a Best of Winners. If
either the Winners Dog or the Winners Bitch is selected Best of Breed, it
automatically becomes Best of Winners. (The Best of Winners gets the higher
number of points, too. If the points at the show for the defeated Winner were
higher than those of the Best of Winners, the Best now gets the same higher
total.) The judge finishes the breed judging by selecting a Best of Opposite
Sex to the Best of Breed/Variety. (A Variety exists when there are two or more
varieties of a breed. Such breed divisions are approved by the AKC and may be
according to height, weight, color, or hair type.)
At all-breed shows, this process of elimination takes place in every breed.
Each Best of Breed/Variety winner then competes against other Best of
Breed/Variety winners within its Group (Hound, Sporting, Working, Non-Sporting,
Herding, Toy, Terrier). In the Group judging, the judge's job is to pick the
dog that most embodies the standard for its breed. Four placements are awarded
in each Group, but only the first-place winner remains in competition. Finally,
the seven Group winners are brought into the ring and a Best in Show winner is
Counting Points
You have just won your first
Winners Class at a dog show. All your hard work has finally paid off, you’re
ecstatic...your dog is excited...but now comes the hard part. How many points
did Blaze actually earn??
Here is a quick and easy guide to calculating points that doesn’t require an
advanced degree in mathematics.
The American Kennel Club requires a dog to obtain a total of 15 points with two
major wins (a major win is worth three points or higher) to become a champion.
The majors must be won under different judges and at least one other judge must
award some of the remaining points - so you need to win under at least three
different judges.
Class, Winners, and Breed Competition
Class dogs are judged in classes against other dogs of the same sex - open,
puppy, bred-by-exhibitor, American-bred, novice - are just a few. Classes can
also be divided by age (as in puppy) or color. When the judge awards first
place in a class that dog advances to the Winners competition of its sex.
During the Winners competition, the judge re-examines all the dogs that have
received first place in the classes and picks an overall winner - Winners Dog
for males and Winners Bitch for females. Although you may have beaten several
dogs in the classes, championship points are only awarded to Winners Dog and
Winners Bitch. No points are awarded for class wins or Reserve Winners.
Your Winners Dog or Winners Bitch can also win points in the Best of Breed
competition. Best of Breed consists of dogs that have already received their
championship. Winners Dog and Winner Bitch also compete with the champions in
Best of Breed. There are three possible awards a dog can win at this level:
Best of Breed - Awarded to the best dog in the Best of Breed competition
Best of Opposite Sex - Awarded to the best dog of the opposite sex to the Best
of Breed winner
Best of Winners - Awarded to the best dog between Winners Dog and Winners Bitch
Counting Points
Step One: Take Attendance
Count the number of dogs or bitches competing in the regular classes of your
dog’s sex - novice, puppy, bred-by-exhibitor, American Bred, and Open
classes. Remember to include your dog in the total! Don’t count any dogs that
are absent (no shows), disqualified, dismissed, excused, or have awards
withheld. These dogs do not count in computing the number of dogs competing for
that show. If you did not keep up with the total number of dogs in the regular
classes, ask the ring steward or check the posted copies of the judge's book
for a count of total dogs before you leave the show.
Tip: Check the posted copies of the judges’ book before you leave the
show to make certain your dog was marked as the winner. Mistakes do happen!
Also, verify that your dog’s AKC registration number is correct in the
catalog. If it is not correct, let the superintendent know before you leave the
show. In both cases, it’s easier to make the correction on the day of the
show rather than later.
Step Two: Check the Schedule of Points
Compare the number of dogs competing that day to the schedule of points for
your dog’s breed and sex located in the show catalog. The schedule is usually
listed with the entries for each breed or at the front of the catalog.
If the number of dogs does not match exactly with those listed in the catalog,
choose the number of points assigned to the next lowest number.
An example of a point schedule is listed below:
Schedule of Points
1 Point |
2 Points |
3 Points |
4 Points |
5 Points |
Dog |
Bitches |
Dog |
Bitches |
Dog |
Bitches |
Dog |
Bitches |
Dog |
Bitches |
2 |
2 |
4 |
5 |
7 |
8 |
10 |
12 |
15 |
19 |
Remember, point schedules vary by show location. If you are not at the
show, make certain you get the points schedule for the event region where your
dog won. Refer to the Schedule
of Points.
Step Three: Calculating Points for Winners Dog or
Winners Bitch
Your dog receives the points according to the number of dogs of your dog’s
sex competing in the regular classes.
Let’s say that Blaze is awarded Winners Dog. After accounting for absent,
disqualified, and excused dogs, you determine that a total of 6 dogs competed
in the regular classes. Assuming the point schedule listed above, he receives 2
Now it’s your turn...
Blaze’s sister, Bianca, wins Winners Bitch. Nine bitches competed in the
regular classes. How many points did she earn as Winners Bitch?
Answer: 3 points
Winning More Points In the Breed Competition
Your dog can add to the points won in the Winners Class during the Best of
Breed competition. If your dog wins:
Best of Breed
Count the total number of dogs in its sex plus the total number of Champions of
both sexes entered in the Best of Breed competition to figure the number of
points earned.
Best of Opposite Sex
Count the total number of dogs in its sex plus the total number of Champions of
its sex entered in the Best of Breed competition to figure the number of points
Best of Winners
This one is a bit different. If your dog is named Best of Winners, he is
awarded the highest point level awarded between Winners Dog and Winners Bitch.
Let’s say that Blaze beats out his sister, Bianca, for Best of Winners. If
you’ll remember Bianca received three points for Winners Bitch and Blaze
received only two points for Winners Dog. Since Blaze took Best of Winners, he
is awarded three points instead of two and receives one of the majors he needs
for his championship.
Now it’s your turn...
Using the point schedule and results listed below, compute the point totals for
the Winners Dog and Winners Bitch.
Winners Dog and Best of Winners: I’m A Perfect Hound
Number of Dogs:
Open: 3
Bred-by-Exhibitor: 1
American Bred: 1
Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex: Three Times A Lady
Number of Bitches:
Open: 4
American Bred: 2
Number of Champions:
Dogs: 2
Bitches: 2
Schedule of Points
1 Point |
2 Points |
3 Points |
4 Points |
5 Points |
Dog |
Bitches |
Dog |
Bitches |
Dog |
Bitches |
Dog |
Bitches |
Dog |
Bitches |
2 |
2 |
4 |
5 |
7 |
8 |
10 |
12 |
15 |
19 |
Points Awarded To:
I’m A Perfect Hound (Answer: 3)
Three Times A Lady (Answer: 3)
Here’s What Happened...
Prior to the Best of Breed competition, I’m A Perfect Hound and Three Times A
Lady had racked up 2 points each. In the Breed competition, Three Times A Lady
won Best of Opposite Sex beating two champion bitches in addition to the six
bitches competing in the regular classes. This win increased her points to
three. Since I’m A Perfect Hound was awarded Best of Winners, he received
three points as well (the highest point value awarded between Winners Dog and
Winners Bitch).
Verifying Points
It is important to check on your dog’s point totals from time to time. The
AKC offers an online service to verify the number of points your dog has
accumulated toward a championship. Allow four to six weeks for your dog’s win
to be recorded in this system.
Appearing before a dog's
name |
Amateur Field Champion |
CH |
Champion |
CT |
Champion Tracker |
DC |
Dual Champion (CH & FC) |
FC |
Field Champion (Field Trial/Lure Coursing) |
HC |
Herding Champion |
National Amateur Field Champion |
National Field Champion |
Obedience Trial Champion |
TC |
Triple Champion (CH, FC & OTCH) |
American Kennel Club
Conformation Titles and Terms
CH - Champion
In order to obtain a CH the AKC requires that a dog obtain 15 points to
achieve an American CH
BIS - Best In Show
BOB - Best of Breed
BOS - Best of Opposite Sex
The BOB is chosen, then whatever sex that Canine is, all the canines of the
Opposite Sex are judged, and the winner of that gets this title.
BOW - Best of Winners
WD - Winner's Dog
The winners dog is chosen from the first place winners of the 6 to 9 month
puppy dog class, the 9 to 12 month puppy dog class, the 12-18 month class,
the American Bred Dog Class, the Bred by Exhibitor Dog class, and the Open
Dog class.
Winners dog and winners bitch are selected from the entries
in the regular classes other than the Champions, which compete in the Best
of Breed Class. Both the WD and WB then compete against the champions for
BOW and BOB and BOS. It is not unusual for the WD or WB to go BOB over the
specials although in most cases the judge will select his/her BOB from the
champions entered.
WB - Winner's Bitch
Chosen by the same process as the Winner's Dog, but for Bitches.
BIF - Best in Futurity (Also BIF-BOS)
Futurity is a class or classes held at the KCA National Specialty, once a
year where the bitch is nominated prior to the birth of her puppies eligible
for the Futurity with a final payment being made at the closing of entries
for the National. A portion of the monies paid in is paid back to the first,
second, third and fourth placers in each age group (same age divisions as
Futurity is always for dogs born in the same period of time
(October 15 to October 14 of year before the Futurity). To be eligible for
Futurity the Breeder of Record must be a KCA Member (or member of a KCA
affiliated club) AND must nominate the litter before or within six months of
birth. Then the puppies are individually nominated before the Futurity show
Maturity class
There is also a Maturity class for dogs who were entered in the prior year's
In a sweepstakes, the owner of the dog enters the dog in the sweepstakes as
part of the regular show entry. Any dog that is the right age on the date of
the sweepstakes is eligible to compete in it. Right age usually means at
least 6 months but under 18 months on the day of the show.
BISSw - Best in Specialty Sweepstakes (Also BISSw-BOS)
Sweepstakes are held at Specialties other than the National. It is limited
to dogs/bitches under 18 months of age with classes in dogs and bitches of 6
to 9 months, 9 - 12 months, and 12 - 18 months. There are also Veterans
Sweepstakes at some Specialty shows. Monies paid in entry fees is divided
among the winners and placers in each class.
For example, there is an Altered Sweepstakes, that end up
with two winners: Best Altered Champion of Record and Best Altered
Companion. Any dog at least 6 months old and with an akc/ckc/ilp number will
be eligible to compete provided they are also neutered.
BISS - Best In Specialty Show (Also BISS-BOS)
A Specialty is a show limited to one particular breed, sponsored by a club
recognized by AKC an KCA. Kspecalty dates must be submitted and approved.
GR 1 - Group First Place
GR 2 - Group Second Place
GR 3 - Group Third Place
GR 4 - Group Fourth Place
HOF - Hall of Fame (USA)
CHOF - Canadian Hall of Fame (Canada)
ROM - Register of Merit (not an AKC title)
This has something to do with the number of champions a dog produces
ROMX - Register of Merit (not an AKC title)
This has something to do with the number of champions a dog produces
Specialty shows and some all breed shows have a class for Veterans. Usually
this is for dogs/bitches 8 years and above, but occasionally 7 years. This
can also be broken into 8-10 years, 10-12 years, and 12+ years. It is a way
to recognize some of the excellent dogs of the past.
Open Class
The Open class is usually comprised of mature dogs over the age of 18 months
who are not eligible for the Bred By Exhibitor Class or do not wish to enter
American Bred.
ILP number
This is a designation that one can get for a dog that does not have it's
official AKC/CKC papers. You can still register a dog as a certain breed if
you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the dog you are applying for
looks enough like the breed standard. See the AKC web page for more details
on how to apply for this number. It will allow you to compete in any AKC
sanctioned event except for Conformation matches.
Dog - Term used for either "Male Canines" or
generic for "Canine".
Bitch - Term used for "Female Canine"
Points - Awards of merit
The number of points acquired by going WD or WB depends on the number of
dogs or bitches entered at that show. You must be either WD or WB to acquire
points. Of the 15 points needed for a CH, at least two "majors"
must be won. The number of dogs needed to make points varies in different
parts of the country.
Major - WD or WB consisting of 3, 4, or 5 points acquired at
one time.
A major is when there are three, four or five points available for the WD or
WB. This is based on the number of dogs/bitches entered and varies in
different regions of the Country as designated by AKC. For instance, if it
takes seven dogs to make three points, the WD would receive three points (a
major) if all seven showed. The number of dogs and the number of bitches
needed often varies in the same location (seven dogs for three points, 8
bitches for three points as an example)
DC or Dch
FC or Fch
WD |
Amateur Field Champion
American Kennel Club
Agility Excellent
Best in Show (Conformation)
Best in Sweepstakes
Best of Breed
Companion Dog (1st level Obedience Titles)
Companion Dog Excellent (2nd level obedience title)
Canine Good Citizen
Canadian Kennel Club
Champion (Conformation)
Champion Tracker
Dual Champion (FC + Ch)
Field Champion
Field Dog Hall of Fame (GRCA Award)
High Combined
"High in Trial" or Highest Scoring Dog in Trial
Judges Award of Merit
Junior Hunter
Senior Hunter
Master Hunter
Masters Agility
Novice Agility
National Amateur Field Champion
National Field Trial Champion
Open Agility
Outstanding Dam - GRCA Award
Obedience Dog Hall of Fame - GRCA Award
Outstanding Sire - GRCA Award
Obedience Trial Champion
Show Dog Hall of Fame - GRCA Award
Tracking Dog
Tracking Dog Excellent
Utility Dog
Utility Dog Excellent
Utility Dog Tracker (UD + TD)
Utility Dog Tracker Excellent (UD + TDX)
Versatility Certificate (GRCA Title)
Versatility Excellent Certificate (GRCA Title)
Variable Surface Tracking
Working Certificate (GRCA Title)
Working Certificate Excellent (GRCA Title)
Winners Bitch
Winners Dog |
Titles and Abbreviations
AKC site |
American Kennel Club has many events in which titles are offered. Dogs
who achieve these titles are entitled to have them listed on their pedigrees
and certificates, and in event catalogs. These titles become an official
part of a dog’s record with the AKC. Listed below are the various official
AKC titles with their abbreviations:
As a prefix:
NOC - National
Obedience Champion
OTCH - Obedience
Trial Champion
CT - Champion Tracker (TD, TDX and VST)
MACH - Master Agility
Field Trials
FC - Field Champion
AFC - Amateur Field
NFC - National
Field Champion
NAFC - National
Amateur Field Champion
NOGDC - National
Open Gun Dog Champion
Gun Dog Stake Champion
Retrieving Gun Dog Stake Champion
DC - Dual Champion
(Ch. and FC)
TC - Triple Champion
( Ch., FC and OTCH)
NCH - Nite Champion
GNCH - Grand Nite
SHNCH - Senior
Grand Nite Champion
GCH - Senior Champion
SGCH - Senior Grand
GFC - Grand Field
SGFC - Senior Grand
Field Champion
WCH - Water Race
GWCH - Water Race
Grand Champion
SGWCH - Senior
Grand Water Race Champion
As a suffix:
CD - Companion
CDX - Companion
Dog Excellent
UD - Utility Dog
UDX - Utility Dog
VCD1 - Versatile
Companion Dog 1
VCD2 - Versatile
Companion Dog 2
VCD3 - Versatile
Companion Dog 3
VCD4 - Versatile
Companion Dog 4
VCCH - Versatile
Companion Champion
Lure Coursing
JC - Junior Courser
SC - Senior Courser
MC - Master Courser
TD - Tracking Dog
TDX - Tracking
Dog Excellent
VST - Variable
Surface Tracker
NA - Novice Agility
OA - Open Agility
AX - Agility Excellent
MX - Master Agility
NAJ - Novice Jumpers
with Weaves
OAJ - Open Jumpers
with Weaves
AXJ - Excellent
Jumpers with Weaves
MXJ - Master Excellent
Jumpers with Weaves
Hunting Test
JH - Junior Hunter
SH - Senior Hunter
MH - Master Hunter
Herding Test
HT - Herding Tested
PT - Pre-Trial
HS - Herding Started
HI - Herding Intermediate
HX - Herding Excellent
Lure Coursing
JC - Junior Courser
SC - Senior Courser
MC - Master Courser
JE - Junior Earthdog
SE - Senior Earthdog
ME - Master Earthdog
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