Aviary Standard Nest Box Sizes
This is a list of the standard nest box styles and sizes. There are many choices, but these work for us.
Green Winged - Rectangular - 4'w x 3'h x 2'd
Scarlet, Blue and Gold, Military - Rectangular - 3'w x 3'h x 18"d
Mini Macaws:
Severe, Yellow Collared, Noble and Hahn's - 18"w x 24"h x 18"d
Moluccan, Umbrella, Citron, Lesser Suplher Crested and Goffin's - nest cans
Red-Sided, Vosmaeri and Soloman Island - rectangular boxes - 18"w x 24"h x 18"d
African Greys:
Congo's - large boot shaped - 24"w x 24"h x 12"d
Red Bellied and Myers - rectangular - 12"w x 18"h x 12"d
Blue Crown, Nanday, Sun, Jenday, Gold Capped - rectangular - 16"w x 24"h x 16"d
Black Capped Conures - square - 12"w x 12"h x 12"d
Caiques - square - 16"w x 16"h 12"d
Moustache Parakeets - rectangular - 16"w x 24"h x 16"d
Cockatiels (yes we have one pair) - square - 12"w x 12"h x 12"d