Banish ants from your pet's food dish by wiping the floor under and around it with a cloth dipped in kerosene. Then stand the food dish in a larger dish containing water.
Keep ants from crawling up a picnic table by standing each leg
in a small pan of water.
To kill ants, use a paste of equal parts of borax and
confectioner sugar.
Mix mint apple jelly and boric acid for
ant control (two tablespoons boric acid powder per 10 ounces of mint apple
Leave a few tea bags of mint tea near areas where the ants seem most active. Dry, crushed mint leaves or cloves also work as ant deterrents.
Keep a small spray bottle handy, and spray the ants with a bit of soapy water.
Mix peanut butter (six parts), brown sugar (one part),
one-half teaspoon salt with boric acid (one part) for ant
For ant control, spray vinegar around door and window frame, under appliances, and along other known ant trails.
If ants are coming in through doors or windows, put a cinnamon stick across the path. They will not cross it.
Mix three cups water, one cup sugar and four teaspoons boric
acid powder for ant control. (Pour a over a cotton wad in a small
dish or bottle cap.)
Sliced or crushed cucumbers to keep cockroaches away from
Mix equal parts of boric acid powder, powdered sugar, and
cornmeal as a poison bait for cockroaches.
Mix equal parts of plaster of Paris and powdered sugar as a
poison bait for cockroaches.
It is a little known fact that roaches like high places. If you put
borax on TOP of your kitchen cabinets (not inside), if space allows between ceiling and cabinets, the roaches will take the
borax to their nests, killing all of them.
Keep a spray bottle of soapy water on hand. Spraying roaches directly with soapy water will kill them.
Walk through a room wearing white socks to detect fleas. Dark
fleas jumping on the white background are easily seen.
Use banana peels to repel fleas.
Feed yeast to dogs to repel fleas.
Fleas HATE Stash Earl Grey. Tear open a few bags, scatter the tea about on your carpet and vacuum up in a few days.
For flea control, add a little vinegar to your pet's drinking water to fight fleas and mange.
For flea control add ½ teaspoon to the wash water or a few drops to the pets shampoo.
Suspend a light bulb over a pan of oil or soapy water to
attract and drown fleas during the night.
For a fly repellent - 2 cups vinegar, 1 cup Avon Skin So Soft, 1 cup water, 1
tablespoon Eucalyptus oil, 1 tablespoon citronella oil - Put in a spray bottle and spray dog's coat.
Mix water with cornstarch into a paste and apply. This is effective in drawing out the poisons of most insect bites and is also an effective remedy for diaper rash.
Rub jewel weed on mosquito bites and poison ivy to control
For mosquito bites apply lime juice diluted with water on bites with cotton ball.
Mozzies won't bite if you mix 4 parts glycerine, 4 parts alcohol, 1 part eucalyptus oil. Or make a solution of equal parts of isopropyl alcohol and methyl phthalate.
If you're using the barbeque, throw a bit of sage or rosemary on the coals to repel mosquitos.
Put an opened bottle of Oil of Pennyroyal Essence in the room you want mosquito free.
Use Avon's Skin-So-Soft as an insect repellent for people and
pets (good mosquito repellent). It helps relieve itching caused by
insect bites and dry skin. Also, mix five parts water, one part
Skin-So-Soft and mist on show animals. Brush in to make their coats
gleam and keep insects off so your animal won't fidget.
Use hedge apples for control of crickets and spiders.
For grass and weeds growing between stones or bricks on walks
or terraces, sprinkle 20 Mule Team borax powder and sweep into
cracks (one application every other year).
Apply tobacco and snuff juice for wasp stings and bites.
Use beer or yeast dissolved in water in pit fall traps (cups
sunk into the ground) to attract and drown snails and slugs.
Prevent mosquitoes from breeding in rain barrels by applying 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the water's surface.
Tick and Fly Spray - two cups white vinegar, one cup Avon
Skin-So-Soft bath oil, one cup water, one tablespoon eucalyptus oil
(available at drugstores and health food stores).
Pour hot boiling water and a strong cleaning detergent down
the drain to eliminate nuisance gnats and flies.