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Mystical Names

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Abeona - Goddess of Passage
Abnoba - Forest and river Goddess
Adila - Basket
Aine - sky or sun Goddess
Aphrodite - Goddess of love
Athena - Goddess of wisdom
Bia - Goddess of force
Birgit - Fertility Goddess
Candika - Goddess of desire
Cybele - Mother Goddess
Dana - Mother of the Gods
Dea - Goddess
Demeter - vegetation Goddess
Demetria - from Demeter
Eirene - Goddess of peace
Eileithyia - Goddess of birth
Flora - Goddess of flowers
Freja - Norse Goddess of love
Damia - Goddess of Forces of Nature 
Glenda - divine Goddess
Guri - hindu Goddess of plenty
Hanna - Goddess of life
Hebe - Goddess of youth
Hera - Goddess of heaven
Hestia - Goddess of the hearth
Hina - Goddess of the moon
Ilithya - Goddess of Women In Labour 
Iris - messenger Goddess
Isis - Most powerful of Egyptian Goddesses
Latona - Greek Goddess
Maere - Goddess of song
Meader - Goddess/Sorceress
Minerva - Goddess of wisdom
Miram - mistress of the sea
Nenet - Goddess of the deep
Nike - Goddess of victory
Olympia - mountain of the Gods
Pearl/Peigi/Peral/Pele - volcano Goddess
Rhiannon - witch nymph Goddess, 
Shannon/Shannen - ancient God
Sulis - Goddess who watched over Bath
Thyra - widower or Goddess
Tyronica - Goddess of battle
Urania - heavenly/Greek muse of astronomy
Venus - Goddess of love
Vesta - Goddess of the hearth

Acan - God of wine
Adonia - Greek God
Adonis - fertility and vegetation Gods
Anubis - mortuary God
Archon - primordial creator Gods
Ares - God of war
Bacchus - God of wine and intoxication
Boreas - God of the north wind
Cernunnos - fertility and chthonic God
Dunixi - God of wine
Gwydion - God of war
Hades - God of death
Heimdall - Guardian of Asgard
Hyperion - God of primordial light
Indira - God of heaven and thunderstorms
Indra - God of rain and thunder
Irma - God of War
Kaili - Hawaiian God
Janus - God of passage
Kane - God of light
Lakita - Hindu God
Lupercus - God of wolves
Mikali - God like
Naolin - Aztec God of the sun
Naoll - Aztec God of the sun - Dim. of Naolin
Neit - God of war
Nereus - minor sea God
Osiris - chthonic God of the underworld
Oswald - God of the Forest 
Phemia - God of Speech 
Pillan - God of stormy weather
Pollux - horse God
Quirino - Mars, God of war 
Raheem - compassionate God
Ram - Godlike
Tate - creator God
Tyra - God of battle
Wodan - God of war
Zaci - God of Fatherhood 
Zeno - Zeus 


Adila - just fair
Alanala/Anna - fair beautiful
Aldona - old
Aletha/Alethea/Alison - truthful one
Alize - one who charms
Allene - peaceful, attractive
Andra/Andrea - strong, courageous
Angel/Angela/Angelica/Angelina/Angie - angelic
Ani/Anika - beautiful
Annamika - grace, new moon
Amanda - power
Amara - eternal
Barbara/Barb/Barbie - strange/foreign
Beate/Beatrice/Bea - bringer of joy
Bebhin - sweet, melodious
Belita/Belinda - beautiful
Belle/Bell/Bella/Bellini - beauty
Benicia - blessed
Bertha - shining
Biana - secretive
Blanche/Biancha - white
Bliss - perfect joy
Bonita/Bonnie - pretty, beautiful
Breanna/Briana - strong, virtuous, honourable
Bryanne - strong one
Cade/Cadee - pure
Calixte/Calla/Callia - beautiful
Callista/Colista - most beautiful
Candance/Candice - fire, white, pure
Casondra - not to be believed
Cassandra - she who is ignored
Cassidy - clever
Catherine/Cathy/Cayla/Caitlyn - pure, virginal
Cecile/Cecilia/Celia - blind
Chasity - pure
Clement/Clementine/Clemens/Clem - gentle, merciful
Dara - compassion
Deame - divine
Deidra - sorrowful, wanderer
Demi - half,small
Deiree - desired
Dessa - roaming
Dulcea/Dulce/Dulcinea - sweet
Edna/Edena - desired
Elda - old
Eldora - golden
Emily - industrious, flatterer
Etana - determination
Eternity - everlasting
Eurdice - justice
Evania - Tranquil
Faith - to trust
Felicia/Felicity - happiness
Fenella - fair, white shouldered
Finna/Fionan/Fiona/Fionn/Fionnula - white, fair
Fleta - swift
Floria/Floriane/Flower - prosperous, flowering
Gerda - guarded, protected
Gillian - youth downy haired one
Giselle - a promise
Gita/Gite/Gittel - good
Gratia/Gratiana - grace
Grizelda - endless patience
Guenevere/Guievere/Genevieve - fair one
Gwynth - fortunate, blessed
Hannah - graceful one
Hope - trust, faith
Ira - watchful, descendant
Irina - peaceful
Isibis - something beautiful
Jace - beautiful, attractive
Jada - wise
Jamila - beautiful
Jane - gracious, merciful
Jezabel - impure
Juliana/Juliet - soft haired
Justise - just
Kabira - powerful
Kaiya - forgiveness
Kalea - bright, clear
Kalista - most beautiful one
Kana - Powerful
Karen/Karena/Kassia - pure
Kari - pure of heart
Karla - strong and womanly
Kassidy - clever
Keelia - beauty
Keena - brave
Keene - wise, learned
Kellen - powerful
Kerri - dark and mysterious
Khalida - immortal, everlasting
Kiara - small, dark
Kineta - full of energy
Koysta - faithful
Kylia - lovely
Kyra - ladylike
Lamya - dark
Lanelle - to move on
Laqueta - the quiet one
Lara - shining
Larissa - cheerful
Lea - fatigued
Leala - loyal
Leia - wary
Lena - temptress, illustrious
Letitia - joy, gladness
Levia - combined forces
Lewa - beautiful
Liana - to wrap or bind
Liberty - freedom
Licia - happy
Liliha - angry, disregard
Lorna - alone, solitude
Maha - beautiful eyes
Mahala/Mahalia - smart, intelligent
Mahari - forgiver
Malaya - free
Mandisa - sweet
Mara - bitter or sorrowful
Marcella/Marcia - brave
Mathilda/Mathide/Matilda/Matia - might, power
Maura/Maureen - dark
Melia - flatter, industrious
Miniya - much expected of her
Mirabel - of uncommon beauty
Moesha - solitary life
Moriba - curious seeker of knowledge
Morrisa - dark one
Muliya - to hit
Myron - fragrant
Nabila - born of nobility
Nadia/Nadie/Nadine - hopeful
Nakia/Niesha - pure
Nani - charming
Naveen - beautiful, pleasant
Neci/Necia - intense, fiery one
Neola/Nova/Novia - new
Noleta - unwilling
Nori - belief
Noya - beautiful, ornamented
Nuala - white haired
Ona - unity, full of grace
Onawa - awake
Ondrea - strong, courageous
Palti - my escape, deliverance
Pnaya - enthrone
Paola - small
Patience - from the virtue
Perta/Perdy - she who is lost
Peregrine - wanderer
Petula - impatient
Phaedra - glowing
Priscilla - ancient
Prudence/Pru - cautious, intelligent
Rene - reborn
Rivka - link together
Rowdy - spirited
Saba - old, ancient
Saidi - helper
Salome - shalom, welcome peace
Samantha - the listener
Sayu - happiness
Sarama - nice
Seiko - force, truth
Sela - trinity
Selina - peace, brings comfort
Selma - fair
Semira - fulfilled
Serena - serene, calm
Serenity - peaceful disposition
Serepta - peaceful
Shaina - beauty
Shakila - pretty
Shakti - divine woman
Shanna - small and wise
Sheehan - peacemaker
Sherry/Sherine/Sheri/Sherri - beloved, dearest
Shiloh - peaceful
Shubha - auspicious
Sidonia - to entice
Snow - fair, completed
Solada - solitary
Solange - solitary
Sophie/Sonia - wisdom
Sonora - pleasant sounding
Speranza - hope
Suki - beloved
Suara - wealthy
Sunee - good thing
Tacita - silent
Tacy - silence
Tama - whole, perfect
Tawana - created
Ulema - intelligent one
Uma/Una - unity
Umay - hope
Unity - oneness
Vahe - strong
Vala - singled out
Valarie/Valeria - strength, valour, healthy, powerful
Valencia - bravery
Valerie/Vallerie - to be strong
Vangie - like an angel
Vartouhi - beautiful as a rose
Vatusia - they leave us behind
Velma - desire to protect
Virginia - virginal, pure
Wafa - faithful
Wilda - untamed
Willa - desire to protect
Winta - desire
Xaviera - bright
Xenia - hospitable
Yen - calm
Yeva - life enhancing
Yoko - positive
Yuki - snowy or lucky
Zaida - growing
Zayn/Zene - beauty
Zena/Zenia - hospitable
Zinnia - created
Zafia - wisdom
Zulema - healthy and vigorous

Adair - noble, exalted
Aden - fiery one
Aidan - fiery
Akuji - dead and awake
Alair - cheerful/merry
Alan - handsome
Alban/Albany - white, fair
Albert - noble, bright
Aldan/Alden/Aldon - of old age
Alfonso/Alphonse - eager, noble
Alvin - all wise
Andre/Andres/Andrew/Andy - manly, courageous
Angus - unique strength
Bayard - with red-brown hair
Bene - kind
Bennett - little blessed one
Bert - bright, nobility
Boaz - swift, strong
Boyd - yellow haired
Brazil - swift
Brian/Bryan - strong one
Bronwen - dark and pure
Bruno - brown haired
Bryant - strong, honourable
Cecil - blind
Cian - ancient
Conner - wise
Corby - dark as a raven
Cort - bold
Crispin - curly haired
Dallas - wise
Damon - constant, loyal
Dante - lasting
Daray - dark
Darcy - dark one
Denali - great one
Dennis - wild, frenzied
Dermot - envy free
Derron - great
Derry - red-head
Dewitt - blond
Diallo - bold
Dior - golden
Dugan - dark-coloured
Dukker - to bewitch
Dwight - white, fair one
Eavan - fair one
Efrat - honoured, distinguished
Elden - older
Eldon - of old age
Elgin - noble
Ellard - nobly brave
Elvis - all wise
Ernest - earnest
Fanchon - betrothed, whimsical
Fernaco - daring
Finley - fair haired one
Finn - fair
Flavian - yellow, blonde
Galen - calm, tranquil
Gareth - gentle
Gerald - brave
Gilbert - trusted
Giles - youthful, bearded one/shield bearer
Giulio - youthful
Grant - great
Gregory - vigilante, watchman
Hubert - shining of mind 
Hugh - brilliant mind or spirit
Iram - shining
Irving - handsome and fair
Jaali - powerful
Jabari - fearless
Jamal/Jamar - handsome
Kato - pure, unsullied
Julius - youthful, downy bearded one
Kedem - old, ancient
Keefer - noble, gentle
Kenneth - handsome
Keegan - little fiery one
Keelan - little slender one
Keenan - little ancient one
Kenyon - blonde, white-haired
Kieran - little dark one
Lang - tall one
Makoto - sincere, honest
Marcello - brave
Marek/marc/Marcel/Marcell/Martin - warlike
Maurizio - moor, dark haired
Mauro - of brown skin
Maverick - wildly independent
Maynard - powerful, brave
Mignon - delicate, graceful
Morris - dark skinned
Mykel - peaceful
Nero - powerful
Nestor - wisdom
Niran - internal
Nolan - famous
Owen - well born one, young warrior
Pirro - hair on fire
Placido - calm, quiet
Plato - strong shoulders
Prewitt - brave one
Quinlan - very strong
Raegan/Reagan/Regan - wise
Raghnall - wise and powerful
Red - red headed one
Renate/Rene - reborn
Renny - compact strength
Richard - powerful, rich ruler
Rothrock - weak one
Rowdy - spirited
RufusRussell/Rusti/Rusty - red head
Samson - bright as the sun
Sanjeet - invincible
Sebastian - venerable
Shakir - Grateful 
Sheridan - wild
Shiloh/Shlomo - peaceful
Sileas/Svein - youth
Simon - hearing, one who hears
Solomon - peaceful
Stormy - impetuous nature
Synan - old
Tamas/Thomas/Thom/Tom/ - twin
Tavi - good
Terence - tender, good gracious
Tierney - noble, lordly
Tino - small
Toan - safe, secure
Tobit - good
Tomo - intelligent
Trahern - strong as iron
Trevor - prudent
Tristan/Tristram - sad
Vahe - strong
Valiant - brave
Varen - superior
Vernados - courage of a bear
Vernon - youthful
Virgil - strong
Vitalis/Vito - live
Vivek - wisdom
Willard - brave
Xanto - blond haired
Xavier - bright
Yaser - easy going
Yasuo - peaceful one
Yen - calm
Yestin - just
Yori - reliable
Yoshi - quiet


Aflamina - daughter of the earth
Aila - light bearer
Alessa/Alexa/Alexandra/Alexia/Alexis - protector/defender of man kind
Aliya - defender
Althea - healer
Anthea - lady of flowers
Arella - angel
Beate - one who brings joy
Beatrice/Cea - bringer of joy
Bela - she of fair skin
Berdine - bright maiden
Bernice - brings victory
Bertille - heroine
Blaise - stammerer
Calliope - one with beautiful voice
Cari - flowing like water
Celeste - from the sky
Courtney - from the court
Dalila - water bearer
Damita - baby princess
Daria - queenly
Delaine - descendant of the challenger
Della - of nobility
Delora - from the sea coast
Delphine - from the flower
Demitrius - lover of the earth
Dolores - lady of sorrows
Drisana - daughter of the sun
Drusilla - descendant of the druses, strong one
Edalene/Edaline - noble, king
Edeline - high born
Electra- the shining one
Elita - chosen one
Erika - eternal ruler
Estrella - child of the stars
Evangeline - like an angel
Georgette/Georgia/Georina - farmer
Golda/Goldie/Goldy - made of gold
Gunda - female warrior
Halle - heroine
Ina - mother
Jackie/Jacqueline/Jacqui - to protect
Jira - related by blood
Kabibe - little lady
Kacela - hunter
Kachina - sacred daughter
Kalei - one who works for the king
Kamella/Kamila - young ceremonial attendant
Karan - tyrant
Kari - pure of heart
Karina - dear little one
Karmina - song, songstress
Kaula - prophet
Kaya/Kayla - wise child
Kelley - warrior, warrior woman
Keller - little companion
Kenda - child of clear cool water
Kendra/Kiandra - water baby
Kerry - dark princess
Kibib - little lady
Kirsten - the anointed
Koren/Korene - maiden
Laili - born at night
Lalita - she who plays
Lareina - the queen
Larya - crowned with laurel
Lasca - army or soldier
Lassie - young girl, maiden
Lavina - woman of Rome
Leah - female ruler
Leda/Ledell - Spartan queen
Lehana - one who refuses
Lexine - defender of mankind
Lexiss - protector of mankind
Lorena/Lori/Lorie - crowned with laurel
Lorraine - famous warrior
Louhanna - gracious warrior
Luana - female warrior
Mabel - my beautiful one
Madonna/Madra - my lady
Makara - born under Capricorn
Maleah - unique little girl, beautiful young woman
Malka - queen
Marina/Marisa/Marisela/Marissa - of the sea
Martha - lady
Maxima - miracle worker
Matrika/Maia - mother
Meredith - protector from the sea
Mutia - honoured one
Nariko - thunder child
Nasha - born during rainy season
Natare - female child
Natsu - born in summer
Nayati - wrestler
Nimeesha - princess
Nirvei - water child
Nitesh - heartbeat of the earth
Noelani - beautiful one from heaven
Mokomis - moon daughter
Olesia - protector of humanity
Oma - commander
Oriana/Orla - golden one
Ormanda - of the sea
Penelope/Penney/Pennie/Penny - silent worker
Philana/Philena - lover of mankind
Philantha - lover of flowers
Phoebe - nright, shining one
Raine/Ranee/Rasia/Riona/Reyna - queen
Resi - reaper
Sabina/Savine - ancient Italian culture
Sachi - girl child of bliss
Saskia - protector of mankind
Satinka - sacred dancer
Sera/Serafina - heavenly winged angel
Shamara - ready for battle
Sidra - related to stars, star born
Sloan/Sloane - warrior
Sondra - helper/defender of mankind
Stesha - crowned one
Talisha - damsel arise
Talitha - maiden, child
Tangia - the angel
Uriel - angel of light
Uta - from the mountains
Vevina - sweet lady
Winona/Wynona - first born
Xuxa - queen
Yepa - winter princess
Zaring - golden
Zili/Zilli - my shadow

Abbott - father
Abner - father of light
Adelio - father of the noble prince
Ajani - he who wins the struggle
Alake - one to be honoured
Alec/Alejandro - protector of men
Alexander - helper/defender of mankind
Alpha - first one
Anlon - great champion
Ashlin - son of the pool surrounded by ash trees
Bahari - sea man
Baird - minstrel, poet
Barclay - from the meadow of the birch tree
Barnabas - son of a prophecy
Baron - noble man
Bash - forerunner
Basil - like a king
Belden - from the fair valley
Boris - warrior
Boyce - son of the forest
Braden - from the large forest
Burne - child from the brook
Caley - brave warrior
Calhoun - warrior
Carswell - child of the watercress spring
Chad - battle, warrior
Cheney - little great one
Ciel - from heaven, heavenly
Clay - of the earth
Conary - wise man
Conlan/Conley/Connley/Conroy - hero
Conrad - bold, wise counsellor
Craig - from the crag
Damon - tamer
Danson - ruler
Daren - born at night
David - beloved one
Dean - head, leader
Dimitri - belonging to Demeter
Demitrius - lover of the earth
Derek - famous ruler
Donagh - brown warrior
Donald - brown stranger
Dorian - child of the sea
Doyle - dark foreigner
Dustin - warrior
Edgar - great spearman
Edmund - protector
Edric - prosperous ruler
Edward - happy guardian
Edwin - prosperous friend
Einar - non-conformist
Elmo - protector
Eric - ever powerful, ever ruler
Eugene - born lucky
Evan -young warrior
Fabian - bean grower
Faris - horseman/night
Farrell - of proven courage
Favian - brave man
Ferdinand - to be courageous
Fletcher - arrow maker
Flynn - heir to the red headed
Fordon - to destroy
Forrest/Forrester - of the woods, forest
Gallagher - eager helper
Garren/Garron - guardian
Garret/Garrett - to watch
Gary - spear/spearman
George - farmer
Gerald - spear warrior
Gerodi - hero or hill
Gideon - great warrior
Grady - of high rank
Grayson - son of the grey haired one
Grover - from the grove
Gowon - rainmaker
Gunnar - brave soldier
Gunther - warrior
Hamilton - from the beautiful mountain
Harley - archer; deer hunter
Hayden - son of the rose-hedged valley
Herbert - bright, excellent army or ruler
Holt - son of unspoiled forests/wood
Howard - guardian of the home
Hunter - a hunter
Jabilo - medicine man
Jabir - comforter
James - the supplanter
Jared - ruler
Jarvis - a conqueror
Jason - healer
Joren - farmer
Jorn - vigilant, watchman
Kasim - controller of anger
Kell - from the spring
Kemp - fighter
Kern - dark haired child
King - ruler
Kiril - lordly one
Klaus - leader in victory
Koen - honest counsellor
Kyros - Leader, Master 
Lamar - of the sea
Lars/Laurent/Laurence - crowned with laurel
Leavitt - baker
Leroy - the king
Liam - determined guardian
Loe - king
Lonnit - impostor
Lorand/Lorin - crowned with laurel
Lucian - man of light
Ludlow - mountain of the chief
Lynch - sailor
Lysander - he who will free us
Magar - Attendant 
Magnar - Strength Warrior 
Mahari - Forgiver 
Mahdi -The Expected One 
Mark - warlike one
Marcellus - Young Fighter
Marinel Of the Sea 
Mario - sailor
Marius - Sailor, Roman Clan Name 
Marnin - Joy Giver 
Marshall - Horse Keeper 
Marvin - Friend of the Sea 
Mason - Stone worker 
Mayan - Of the Earth 
Melchior - A King 
Melvin - Mill Worker 
Miles/Myles - soldier/warrior
Miller - Mill Worker 
Monegomery - Of the Mountain 
Morathi - Wise Man
Mordecai - Warrior, Warlike 
Morgan - From the Sea/born of the sea/white sea 
Morven - child of the sea
Murphy - Sea Warrior 
Murray - Sailor 
Naiser - Founder of Clans 
Namid - star dancer
Napoleon - Fierce One from Naples 
Narain - Protector 
Nasnan - Surrounded by Song 
Natesa - Dance Lord 
Nayati - Wrestler 
Nealon - Chief, Champion 
Nevan - Little Saint 
Niall - Champion 
Nicodemus - Conqueror of the People 
Norman - Norseman or Rule 
Nuncio - Messenger 
Orestes - Mountain Man 
Oringo - He Who Likes the Hunt 
Orion - A Hunter in Greek Mythology 
Orton - Wealthy One 
Orion - son of fire/light
Osma - Protective Hero 
Osric - Divine Ruler 
Otis - One Who Hears Well 
Palani- Free Man 
Pallaton - Fighter 
Parker - protector/keeper of the park
Parlan - son of the earth
Parson - Minister, Clergy 
Patrick - Nobleman 
Payton - Village Warrior 
Peregrine - Wanderer 
Philip - lover of horses
Primo - First Born 
Prince - First, Prince 
Rad - Advisor 
Ramiro - Supreme Judge 
Ramses - Sun Born 
Ranger - Forest Protector 
Reeves - Steward 
Reginald- King 
Renate - Reborn 
Reth/Rex/Rey/Roy - King 
Richard - Powerful, Rich Ruler 
Rider - Farmer 
Rickward - powerful guardian
Riordan - Royal Poet 
Roland/Rolando - Famed Throughout the Land 
Rory - The Ruddy One 
Rothrock - Weak One 
Royd - from the forest clearing
Ruggiero - Famous Warrior 
Rumer- A Gypsy 
Ryan - Little King 
Ryder - Horseman 
Salvador/Salvaore - saviour 
Sanjay - Protector 
Santo/Santos - A Saint 
Sargent - Military Man 
Sarki - Chief
Sawyer - Woodcutter 
Saxen/Saxon/Saxton - Swordsman 
Scott - Of Scottish Origin 
Selmar - child of the rolling sea
Seoras - Farmer 
Serge - Servant 
Sergio - Attendant 
Sherman - Shearer or Servant 
Silvain - from the forest
Slade - child of the valley
Slevin - mountaineer
Socrates - Ancient Philosopher 
Sorley - Viking 
Spencer - Administrator 
Stavros - Crowned with Wreath 
Stuart - Keeper of the Estate 
Sylvain - Of the Forest 
Sylvester - From the Forest, Woods 
Taber - Drummer 
Tadhg - Poet, Philosopher 
Talli - Hero 
Tamas/Thom/Thomas/Tomas/Tommy/Tom - Twin 
Tannar/Tanner - Leather Worker 
Terrell - thunder ruler
Theodore - gift of God
Thurman - Servant of Thor 
Timberly - Tall Ruler 
Tivon - naturalist, lover of nature
Troy - Water or Foot soldier 
Truman - Faithful Man 
Ulan - First Born of Twins 
Valdemar - Ruler 
Vandalin - Wanderer 
Varden - from the green hills
Victor/Vincent - Winner, Conqueror 
Vittorio - Conqueror 
Vlad/Vladmir - Prince 
Walden - child of the forest valley
Waldo - A Ruler 
Walker - Forest Walker 
Wallace - A Stranger 
Walter - Woods or Army General 
Welby - from the farm by the spring
Winfield - friend of the earth
Worden - Warden, Guardian 
Wyman - Warrior 
Xenos - guest
Xerxes - King 
Xylon - Lives in the Forest 
Yamal - One of a Twin 
Yasin - Prophet, Happiness 
Yukio - Gets What He Wants 
Yves - Archer 
Zaide - Elder 
Zaeb - Guardian 
Zareh - Protector
Zeeman - seaman 
Zenon - Stranger 
Zephan - Irish Saint


Abel - a breath
Abril - April
Aizza - life
Alameda - cottonwood grove
Amala - fire
Aria - melody
Asnee - lightning
Asta/Aster/Astra - star like, bright as a star
Aurora - dawn
Aysha - life
Belva - beautiful view
Bethany - life
Blaze - flame
Candra - moon
Carmel/Carmine/Carol/Carrie - melody, song
Celina/Celine/Chandra - moon
Chailya - life, waterfall
Chumani - dew drop
Cira - sun
Cora - heart, maiden
Cynthia/Cyndi - moon personified
Dalva/Deiondre - valley
Danica/Danika - morning star
Dawn - dawn
Deanna - divine valley
Dena - valley or vindicted
Elaine/Elani/Eleanor/Elena - light
Eolande - land where dawn appears
Eshe/Eve/Evelien/Evette/Evie/Evita - life
Estella/Ester/Esther - star
Fairly - the far meadow
Gali - fountain
Glenna - a secluded woody valley
Glyn - valley
Glynis/Glynnis - narrow valley
Hali - sea
Harmony - a beautiful blending
Helen/Helaine/Helene - torchlight
Helia - sun
Hester/Hoshi - star
Hilzarie - moon and stars
Infinity - endless
Ingrid - meadow
Iola - violet coloured dawn cloud
Isla - island
Jenni/Jennifer - white wave
Jora - autumn rain
Kabili - pocession
Kai - ocean
Kalein - rejoicer, waterfall pool
Kayleigh/Kailey - laurel, crown
Kalinda - the sun
Kamaria - like the moon
Kara - sweet melody
Karma - action: fate or destiny
Kawena - rosey reflection in the sky
Keahi - flames
Keala - path
Kelda - a fountain
Kira - sun
Kishi - night
Konane - lunar glow
Kynthia - moon
Laina - route or path
Laikra - treasure
Lamia - bright land
Lana - a distant land
Landry - a rough land
Lani - sky
Leimoni - wreath of pearls
Lenore/Leora - light
Lewanna - the moon
Lila - night
Lina/Liora - light
Livana - white, the moon, lunar
Lixue - beautiful snow
Lonna - distant place
Lorelei - melody
Lucia/Lucille - light
Lucinda - beautiful light
Lucine/Luna - the moon
Lucretia - full of light
Luenetta - little moon
Lycoris - twilight
Lyanna - waterfall
Magena - the coming moon
Mairi - sea of bitterness
Makani - the wind
Makenna - happiness
Malana - light
Mare/Meri - the sea
Melodie/Melody - song, melody
Miakoda - power of the moon
Misty - covered with mist, dew
Monna/Moanna - ocean
Morgana - seashore
Morwenna - sea wave
Myrtle - the tree, victory
Nairi - land of canyons
Nami - wave
Naysa - miracle
Nayer - sunshine
Nebula - mist
Nedra - below the earth
Neona - new moon
Neva - snow
Nissa - sign, emblem
Nitsa/Nora/Noria/Nira - light
Nomlanga - sun
Nuri - lights
Oceana - ocean
Odessa - the odyssey
Odetta/Odette - ode,melody,melodic
Odina - mountain
Ofira/Ophira - gold
Okalani - heaven
Onella - torchlight
Ora - light
Ordell - beginning
Orea - mountains
Palti - my escape, deliverance
Pelagia - sea
Rea - brook
Rhea - rivers
Rona - sea
Roxanne - dawn
Sahara - inca gold
Satin - smooth fabric
Savanna/Savannah - treeless plain
Seema - a sign
Senalda - a sign, symbol
Shantell - rocky area
Sharis - flat plain
Sharon - a flat clearing
Shasa - precious water
Sheera/Shira - song
Signa - sign, signal
Silvana - forest
Shing - victory
Shiri - song of my soul
Shirley - song is mine
Shirlyn - bright meadow
Sima - treasure
Solana - wind from the east
Stella/Star - a star
Suchin - beautiful thought
Sunny - brilliance of the sun
Sveta - bright light
Syshe - street
Tacy - silence
Tafia - nation, tribe
Taima - loud thunder
Talia - morning dew
Tallulah - running water
Tamika - people
Tao - peach, long life
Tarana - daytime
Tarika - star
Tansanee - beautiful view
Terr/Tuwa - earth
Tess - to reap
Thalassa - the sea
Thora - thunder
Vail - valley
Vega - falling star
Velvet - velvet
Vevay - a white wave
Vida/Vita - life
Visola - longings are waterfall
Vivienne/Vivi/Vivian - alive
Vonda - true image
Whitney - white island
Winda - chasing for food
Wynn/Wynne - light complected
Yitta - light
Zenevieva - white wave
Zenobia - sign, symbol
Zerlinda - beautiful dawn
Ziya - light
Zoe/Zoey/Zoie - life
Zona - sash
Zora - aurora dawn

Adam - The Earth 
Adem - Red Earth 
Ande - Pillar 
Annot - Light 
Aran - Forest 
Arlo - Hill 
Avalon - Island 
Ballard - A Dancing Song 
Barak - Lightning 
Bavol - wind/air
Beck - brook
Bedros - Stone 
Berg - mountain
Blade - Knife, Sword 
Blaine - The Source of a River 
Blair - Field or Plain 
Brad - Broad Meadow 
Bradburn - broad brook
Brede - The Glacier 
Brent - A Steep Climb 
Bron - The Source 
Brooke/Brooklyn - Brook, Stream 
Bruce - Woods 
Brynn - Small Hill 
Burian - Near the Woods 
Cain - Spear 
Calder - cool, clear spring
Camdyn - Winding Valley 
Caroun - Spring 
Carrick - A Rock 
Cashlin - Little Castle 
Cirocco - Ancient Egyptian Wind 
Clive - Cliff 
Corey - The Hollow 
Donnel - A Hill 
Douglas - Black Hill 
Dylan - the sea
Edan - fire
Egan - Little Fire 
Ennis - Island 
Feoras - Smooth Rock 
Ferrol - Iron Ring 
Finley - sunbeam
Floyd - The Hollow 
Ford - river crossing
Garth - A Field, Garden 
Glen - A Secluded, Woody Valley 
Gordon - Triangular Hill 
Halen - Hall 
Iryl - Play of Colours 
Jafar - a little stream
Jericho - Moon City 
Jolon - valley of the dead oaks
Keb - Earth 
Keith- The Wind 
Kiran - Ray 
Konane - Lunar Glow 
Kory - Hollow 
Kyle - Wood 
Lachlan - Lake or Fjord 
Lamont - The Mountain 
Lance - Spear 
Lancelot - Land 
Landen/Landon - Grassy Plain 
Lavonn - Wood 
Lenci - Light 
Lennox - abounding in elm trees
Lindsey - Linden Trees Near the Water 
Locke - Forest 
Logan - Small Cove 
Lucus/Luke/Lukas - Light
Lycoris - Twilight 
Michal - Brook 
Montague - Sharp Cliff 
Montego - Mountainous 
Muraco - white moon
Nariko - Thunder 
Neb - Ancient Waters 
Nibal - Arrows 
Nitesh - Heartbeat of the Earth 
Nodin - the wind/windy day
Orien - The Orient, East 
Orrin - River 
Pancho - Tuft, Plume 
Penn - corral
Peter - A rock
Pierce - rock or stone
Pov - earth
Qamar - Moon 
Quang - light
Radley - Red Meadow 
Rain - Rain 
Ransky - raven meadow
Raviv - rain; dew
Ray - A Stream 
Razi - Secret 
Redell - Red Meadow
Redford - Over the Red River
Reece - Stream 
Reilly - A Small Stream 
Remedy - cure 
Renshaw - raven forest
Rhys - A Stream 
Rio - River 
Rolt - famous power
Rodas - place of the roses
Romney - curving river
Robert - Bright Fame 
Roden - Red Valley 
Rodney - Land Near the Water 
Roger - Fame Spear 
Rune - A Rune
Rupert - Bright Fame 
Rylie - A Small Stream 
Seymour - Marshy Land Near the Sea 
Shacher - Early Morning, Dawn
Shaw - A Grove 
Shay - a gift
Sheldon - On a Hill, Protected 
Simon - It is heard 
Sinclair/Synclair - A Clear Sign
Skylar/Skyler - Sheltering 
Sol/Soleil - sun
Spike - Long, Heavy Nail
Stanley - Rocky Meadow 
Stein - rock
Steve/Steven - a crown
Stone - stone
Suchin - Beautiful Thought 
Taban - Sunshine, Exhausted 
Talen - My Dew
Tallis/Tallys - Forest 
Taran/Tarin - Rocky Hill 
Tarn - small lake or pool in the mountains
Tarrant - thunder
Taru - Myth/Legend 
Than - Death 
Thor - Thunder 
Vail - Valley 
Val - power
Verney - spring
Vevay - A White Wave
Virote - Power
Wade - To Wade in Water
Wald - grove; rolling field
Wesh - forest/woods
Wesley - The West Meadow 
Wildon - wild valley
Woodrow -The Path thru the Woods 
Wyanet - Hunt
Wyatt - water
Ymir - Mythological character
Yul - Past the Horizon
Yuval - Brook 
Ziazan - Rainbow
Zion - A Sign 
Zohar - Light, Brilliance
Zola - earth


Aislinn - vision, dream
Deva - celestial spirit
Duscha - divine spirit
Elvina - friend of the elves
Fay/Faye - fairy or elf
Faylinn - fairy kingdom
Kamalli - spirit guide, protector
Macha - the aurora
Mana - supernatural power, psychic gifts
Mistio - mystic
Mita - myth
Naida/Naiya - water nymph
Nerina/Nerissa/Nerine - sea nymph
Nida - elf
Nivi - water sprite
Orenda - magic power
Phialia - Irish saint
Satu - fairytale
Seda - forest voices
Sema - divine omen
Shea - fairytale
Tazia - a fairy queen
Tass - mythological name
Tatiana - fairy queen
Cedis - forest nymph
Wakanda - inner magical power
Waneta - shape shifter 

Long - Dragon 
Durriken - fortune - telling
Quirin - a magic stone
Psyche - The Soul 
Ryo - Dragon 
Satu - Fairytale 


Adiel - goat
Aja - goat
Alanda - lark
Aleda - small and winged
Aleta/Aletla/Alula - winged one
Ara - young female deer
Ariel/Arielle/Ariella - lioness of God
Arnalda - eagle ruler
Ava - like a bird
Aylette - the sea swallow
Baka - crane
Belinda/Blenda - beautiful snake
Bena - pheasant
Bernadette - brave as bear
Bernadine - bold as a bear
Beverly - near the meadow of beavers
Bikita - anteater
Brenna - little raven
Buffy/Bunny - little bunny
Butterfly - butterfly
Calanda - singing bird/lark
Chilali - snowbird
Chimalis - bluebird
Cholena - bird
Columbia - dove
Delfina - dolphin
Diata - lion
Fala - crow
Farrah - a wild donkey
Fawn - young deer
Filipina - lover of horses
Gazelle - deer/gazelle/antelope
Hind - female deer
Inar - shrimp
Jemima/Jonina - dove
Jenna - small bird
Kaikura - ground squirrel
Kafira - young lioness
Kele - sparrow hawk
Kiora - dove
Kisha/Kista/Kita/Kitty - kitten, little cat
Koko - stork
Kuma - bear
Lalasa - dove
Larraine - sea bird, gull
Leonora/Leola/Leoma/Leona - like a lion
Leonie/Liona/Lona - lioness 
Liluye - singing hawk while soaring
Linette - bird
Lupe - wolf
Luyu - dove
Malissa/Melissa - honeybee
Marvis - the thrush
Merle - thrush, blackbird
Mika - wise little racoon
Mikasi - coyote
Nascha - owl
Natori - bird
Nature - nature
Neka - wild goose
Nerita - sea snail
Niabi - fawn
Nita - bear
Nyoka - snake
Odell - otter
Opa - owl
Orlenda - female eagle
Palila - bird
Palnma - dove
Pilis - horse lover
Rachel/Rachael/Rachelle - female sheep, ewe
Rae - doe, deer
Rasha - young gazelle
Raven - blackbird
Robin/Robyn - small tame bird
Sadria - ostrich from water
Sora - chirping song bird
Tabitha - gazelle
Tala - wolf
Tasida - horse rider
Teigra - tiger
Teli - lamb
Tiaret - lioness
Tokala - fox
Tuaria - young eagle
Ulva - wolf
Ursula/Ursala - female bear
Vanessa/Vanina - butterfly
Yoninah - little dove
Zwi - gazelle

Adolfo/Adolph - wolf
Adler/Adelar/Ahren/Arnett - eagle
Agu - leopard
Aja - goat
Altair - the flying eagle
Aren - eagle, ruler, peace
Arnaud - ruler of eagles
Arne/Arnie/Arney - eagle
Arnold - as strong as an eagle
Arslan - lion
Asfour - bird
Barret - glorious raven
Bern/Bernard/Bernie - bold as a bear
Bertram - brilliant Raven
Bjorn - bear
Brainard - bold raven
Bram - raven
Brendan - little raven, aflame
Brennan - raven - like
Brock - badger
Buck - deer
Byrd - birdlike
Byron - bird or a cottage
Callum - dove
Castor - beaver
Chayton - Falcon 
Chip - chirping sparrow
Colin - cub
Colm/Colman/Columbia - dove, little dove 
Conway - hound
Corbett - Raven
Crevan - fox
Culver - Dove
Diata - lion
Dyani - gazelle
Eachan - little horse
Farley - associated with bull or sheep
Fisk - fishes
Fox - fox
Galvin - sparrow
Gamal - camel
Gavan - white hawk
Gur - baby lion
Gurion - lion
Haidar - lion
Haracha - frog
Hart - deer, stag
Hastin - elephant
Hazeka - rabbit
Hersh/Herschel - a deer
Horus - hawk
Huslu - hairy bear
Ingram - son's raven
Jael - mountain goat
Jay - blue jay
Jonas/Jonah - dove
Jubal - ram
Kalb - dog
Kele - sparrowhawk
Kibbe - the night bird
Kuma - bear
Lavi - lion
Leon/Leonard - lion like
Leverett - young rabbit/hare
Lencho/Leo/Lio/Lisimba - lion
Llewellyn - like a lion
Lovell - little wolf
Mahon - bear
Malcom - dove
Marlon - little falcon/hawk
Merlin - falcon/hawk
Mikasi - coyote
Namir - leopard, swift cat
Natori - bird
Nessan - stoat
Nuasair - vulture
Oberon - bear heart
Obert - otter
Ofer - young deer
Okalik - artic hare
Okapi - animal with long neck
Orson - bear
Osborn - bear of God
Paco - bald eagle
Polo - alligator
Quillan - cub
Rach - frog
Ralph - swift wolf, wolf counsellor
Raul - wolf counsellor
Raven - blackbird
Reynard - fox
Rolf - swift wolf, wolf council
Rolon - famous wolf
Ronan/Ronat- little seal
Ruck - rook
Rudolf/Rudolph - famous wolf
Saben - flacon
Saqr - falcon
Seghen - ostrich
Simba - lion
Teli - a lamb
Teva - nature
Thanos - bear and man
Thorbjorn - Thor's bear
Thorburn - thunder bear
Timin - sea serpent
Todd - fox
Topo - mole, gopher
Torrin - bird
Tuari - young eagle
Ulf - wolf
Ulric - wolf ruler
Wasi - lynx
Washi - eagle
Zev - wolf
Zwi - wolf


Adotte - big tree
Aelan - flower
Afina - blueberry
Aiyana -eternal bloom
Alona- oak tree
Amarate - flower that never fades
Amaryllis - species of flower
Argemone - poppy
Arna - ceder tree
Asela - slim ash tree
Autumn - fall season
Aveline - hazel
Aviva - springtime
Ayame - iris
Ayla - the oak tree
Azami - thistle flower
Bakula - flower
Blodwym - flower
Blossom - flower like
Blum/Bluma - flower, bloom
Brier - heather
Bryony - vine with small flowers
Calantha - like a lovely blossom
Caltha - yellow flower, marigold
Carmel/Carmelita - vineyard
Carmela - garden
Cassia - spicy cinnamon
Cerise - cherry
Chemaine - bountiful orchard
Chloe - blooming
Cleantha - in praise of flowers
Clover - meadow flower
Dahlia - flower
Dagaria - corn or ceremonial grain
Daisy - flower
Dalia - branch, bough
Daphne - laurel tree
Dianthe - flower of the Gods
Dulcina - rose
Elana - a tree
Evelia - hazelnut
Fiorenza - flower
Gafna - vine
Gelsey - jasmine
Geneva/Genna - juniper berry
Ginita - flower
Ginger - ginger spice/root
Hazel - hazelnut, hazel tree
Holly - plant with red berries
Honey - honey
Hue - flower
Hyacinth - flower
Ianthe - violet
Ilana - great tree
Iria/Iris - colourful, rainbow, iris flower, messenger Goddess
Irisa - iris
Ivi/Ivy/Ivie - ivy, a vine
Jani - leaf
Jasmine - a flower
Jessenia - flower
Jolan - violet blossom
Kalyca - rosebud
Kayonga - ash
Keeya - garden flower
Kiele - fragrant blossom
Kirra - leaf
Kirsi - amaranth blossoms
Kizzy - cinnamon
Kuri - chestnut
Kylie - wood
Lala - tulip
Lavonne - wood
Leane/Leanna - graceful willow
Leilani - heavenly flower
Lian - graceful willow
Lien - lotus flower
Lilika/Lijana/Lilli/Lilliane/Lily - lily flower
Lindsay/Lindsey - linden trees
Linnea - lime tree
Lotus - lotus flower
Magnolia - flower
Marigold - flower
Marjean - corral
Marise - marsh flower
Melantha - black flower
Miki- flower stalk
Miyanda - roots
More - sweet berry
Morela - apricot
Mulan - magnolia blossom 
Napua - the flowers
Narcisse - daffodil
Nili - pea plant
Nitara - having deep roots
Nitza - bud from a flower
Nizanna - flower bud
Olga - holly
Oliana - evergreen
Olivia - olive tree
Oneida - standing rock
Orinda - pine trees
Palesa - flower
Pamela/Pamelia - honey
Papina - ivy
Pepper - pepper plant
Petunia - flower
Phyllis - a leaf
Poppy - a flower
Pora - fruitful
Posy - small flower
Primrose - flower
Prunella - little plum
Rabia - spring
Rehan - flower
Rhonda - roses
Rhoswen/Rosabella - white rose
Rianna - sweet basil, virtuous
Rimona - pomegranate
Rohanna - sandalwood
Rosalia - rose garlands
Rosamunde - wild roses
Roselai - heavenly rose
Rosemary - herb, bitter rose
Rosine - little rose
Rowan - tree with red berries, mountain ash
Sabra/Sabrina - thorny cactus
Sage - spice or prophet
Salena - salt
Sanne/Sonel/Susanne - lily
Season - sowing, planting
Shino - stem of bamboo
Shoshana/Shoushan - lily
Shoushanah - rose
Sidonie - flower
Sugar - sugar
Summer - the season
Susan/Susannah/Susie - a rose or lily
Sylvia - from the forest, of the forest
Talasi - corn flower
Tammara/Tammy/Tamera - a spice or palm tree
Tyme - thyme herb
Umeko - plum child blossom
Vashel - little ash tree
Viola/Violet - violet flower
Wanda - a slender young tree
Yamka - budding flower
Yasmin - flower
Yolanda - violet flower
Zahur - flower
Zanna - lily
Zinnia - flower
Zita - little rose, the seeker
Zizia - flower
Zytka - rose flower

Aelan - flower
Alder - alder tree
Birch/Burch - birch tree
Elmen - like an elm tree
Eshkol - grape cluster
Frasier - strawberry
Frayne - ash tree
Fronde - leafy branch
Ginger - ginger spice, ginger root
Gram - grain
Hadassah - myrtle tree
Jacainto - hyacinth
Kozue - tree branches
Kuri - chestnut
Lan - flower name
Levon - spice
Lind - Linden/lime tree
Mandel - Almond 
Matsu - Pine 
Olin - Holly
Oliver - olive tree 
Oren - ash tree
Ornice - Cedar Tree Hebrew 
Orrick - Venerable Oak 
Quennell - Oak Tree 
Pattin - leaf
Perth - thornbush
Rohan - Sandalwood 
Sarojin - lotus like
Shino - Stem of Bamboo
Shoushan - Lily
Sirvat - Rose
Sonel - Lily
Umeko - Plum
Vartan/Vered - a rose
Yoland - Violet Flower

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