Introduction to the Flea
Adult fleas hatch from the cocoon when proper stimulation is present. The stimuli include: vibration, increased carbon dioxide levels, heat, and motion. The adult can emerge from the cocoon in a very short time period...less than a second....and immediately jump to find a proper host. Once on the host they feed on blood obtained by biting through the skin.
An egg may develop into an adult flea within 14 days if conditions are ideal. Each fertilized female may lay as many as 25 eggs per day....more than 800 in her lifetime. In just thirty days, 25 adult female fleas can multiply to as many as a quarter of a million fleas! The main flea affecting the dog and cat is the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis. There is a dog flea also that occasionally is responsible for flea infestations, but the majority of the time, C. felis is the flea found on dogs and cats. Fleas are insects that are highly developed and can reproduce in copious amounts when environmental conditions are ideal. High humidity and high relative temperatures provide that ideal environment.
More Information:
- Introduction to the Flea
- Effective Flea Control
- Flea Control Products
- Active Ingredients in Flea Control Products
- Natural Flea Control Products
- Treating Your Pet for Fleas
- Treat Your Home for Fleas
- Treat Your Yard for Fleas
- Prevent Flea Infestation
Content provided by Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine for educational purposes only.
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