A collection of words that have affected
me in some manner. I believe you'll enjoy them too.
I'm sitting at the ringside at a championship
So who is in the line-up? Let's look along the row and see......
There's Mrs. "I've won everything" who always heads the line,
She's got her smartest suit on and the dog is looking fine.
She knows her "fave" all rounder is judging in the group,
But it would take a Best in Show win to make her cock-a-hoop.
Now Mr. "Got it in the bag" sports a conceited grin.
He only has to turn up to guarantee this win.
He knows his dog's by far the best the judge has told him so,
And what's more he believes it and let's everybody know.
Mrs. "Ever Hopeful" is looking very pleased,
It's her first time in the last six at a big show such as this.
She's had a photo taken to remind her of this day,
The dog is looking cheerful too. "Choose me" he seems to say.
Mrs. "My Best Friend's The Judge" thinks she must have a chance,
For she plied the judge with whiskey at the club's last dinner dance.
And little evening soirees have been held to tempt her prey.
Where it's said she's on occasions had her assets on display.
Mr. "I Could Do Far Better" gave the judge an icy stare,
He knows he'd do a better job if he were standing there.
Apart from mine, he thinks, this line-up is a motley crew.
Without a doubt the judge must have an eye test overdue.
And Mr. "It's My First Time" is there waving to a friend,
He wonders why this extra class has been stuck on at the end.
But someone had just told him if his dog will stand and show,
He may just get a "ticket", ....... but to where he does not know.
So who emerged the winner? Well I'll leave that up to you,
But Mr. "Got It In The Bag" his top he nearly blew.
Mr. "I Could Do Far Better" has a face not to be missed
Mrs. "My Best Friend's The Judge" has revised her Christmas list.
Yet I'm sure that all those present would be certain to agree
That Dog showing's "just the ticket"
But in which sense? Don't ask me!
A Breeder (with a capital B) is one who thirsts for knowledge and never really knows it all, one who wrestles with decisions of conscience, convenience, and commitment.
A Breeder is one who sacrifices personal interests, finances, time, friendships, fancy furniture, and deep pile carpeting! She gives up the dreams of a long, luxurious cruise in favor of turning that all important Show into this year's "vacation".
The Breeder goes without sleep (but never without coffee!) in hours spent planning a breeding or watching anxiously over the birth process, and afterwards, over every little sneeze, wiggle or cry.
The Breeder skips dinner parties because that litter is due or the babies have to be fed at eight. She disregards birth fluids and puts mouth to mouth to save a gasping new-born, literally blowing life into a tiny, helpless creature that may be the culmination of a lifetime of dreams.
A Breeder's lap is a marvellous place where generations of proud and noble champions once snoozed.
A Breeder's hands are strong and firm and often soiled, but ever so gentle and sensitive to the thrusts of a puppy's wet nose.
A Breeder's back and knees are usually arthritic from stooping, bending, and sitting in the birthing box, but are strong enough to enable the breeder to Show the next choice pup to a Championship.
A Breeder's shoulders are stooped and often heaped with abuse from competitors, but they're wide enough to support the weight of a thousand defeats and frustrations.
A Breeder's arms are always able to wield a mop, support an armful of puppies, or lend a helping hand to a newcomer.
A Breeder's ears are wondrous things, sometimes red (from being talked about) or strangely shaped (from being pressed against a phone receiver), often deaf to criticism, yet always fine-tuned to the whimper of a sick puppy.
A Breeder's eyes are blurred from pedigree research and sometimes blind to her own dog's faults, but they are ever so keen to the competitions faults and are always searching for the perfect specimen.
A Breeder's brain is foggy on faces, but it can recall pedigrees faster than an IBM computer. It's so full of knowledge that sometimes it blows a fuse: it catalogues thousands of good bonings, fine ears, and perfect heads...
and buries in the soul the failures and the ones that didn't turn out.
The Breeder's heart is often broken, but it beats strongly with hope everlasting... and it's always in the right place!
Oh, yes, there are breeders, and then, there are BREEDERS!!
Written by B.J. Andrews of O'BJ Akitas.
Originally published in "Kennel Review Magazine" and later in her book "The World of the Akita".
I wish someone would tell me what it is that I've done wrong.
Why I've had to stay chained up and left alone so long.
They seemed so glad to have me when I came here as a pup.
There were so many things we'd do while I was growing up.
They couldn't wait to train me as a companion and as a friend.
And told me how they'd never fear being left alone again.
The children said they'd feed me and brush me every day.
They'd play with me and walk me if only I could stay.
But now the family "hasn't time"; they often say I shed.
They do not want me in the house, not even to be fed.
The children never walk me. They always say, "Not now!
I wish that I could please them. Won't someone tell me how?
All I had, you see, was love. I wish they would explain.
Why they said they wanted me, then left me on a chain.
Author Unknown |
