Best Baby Puppy in Show:
Paceaway Toto
Best Minor in Show:
Jonquilow My Mandolin
Best Puppy in Show:
Elguarda Amircale
Best Junior in Show:
Ch.Jonquilow The Dream Time
Best Intermediate in Show:
Ch. Primecca Snow Dragon
Best Aust. Bred in Show:
Ch. Jonquilow Banjo Paterson
Best Open in Show:
Ch.Chismene Carbon Copy
Baby Puppy Dog:
1st. Paceaway Toto (Minter)
2nd. Tawara Midnight Flight (Callaghan)
Minor Puppy Dog:
1st. Elguarda Don Giovani (Field)
Puppy Dog:
1st. Elguarda Amircale (Field)
2nd. Lordon Bare Derriere (Tinker)
3rd. Jonquilow The Troubador (Quigley/Jones)
Junior Dog:
1st. Ch. Jonquilow The Dream Time (Quigley/Jones)
2nd. Primecca A French Concept (Seabrook)
Intermediate Dog:
1st. Ch. Primecca Snow Dragon (Webb)
2nd Ch. Jonquilow Mozarts Pride (Quigley/Jones)
3rd N.Z.Ch. Lowenhard Airborn Alot (Horne)
Australian Bred Dog:
1st. Ch. Jonquilow Banjo Paterson (Mawson)
2nd Ch. Chismene Lordov Thestorm (Van Beek)
3rd. Ch. Mijochi Clinton (Emerton/Campbell)
Open Dog:
1st. Ch.Chismene Carbon Copy (Van Beek)
2nd. Ch. Paceaway Ronaldo (Minter)
3rd. Ch.Lowenhart Axplosive Atom (Horne)
Challenge Dog: Ch. Chismene Carbon Copy
Reserve: Ch. Jonquilow The Dream Time

Baby Puppy Bitch:
1st. Tawara Dark Angel (Callaghan)
2nd Chismene Raven On (Rose)
3rd. Hashki TJ Mansell (Williams)
Minor Puppy Bitch:
1st. Jonquilow My Mandalin (Quigley/Jones)
2nd Lordon Naked Truth (Webb)
3rd. Lordon Snow Princess (Seabrook)
Puppy Bitch:
1st. Elguarda Elegante Eloise (Field)
2nd Broughton Miss Can Can (Osborne)
3rd Cannondale Choc E Clair (Seabrook)
Intermediate Bitch:
1st. Elguarda Angel Mist (Field)
2nd Ch. Jonquilow Olympic Flame (Riddell)
3rd Mijochi Taffee Girl (Campbell)
Australian Bred Bitch:
1st. Ch. Jonquilow Waltzn Matilda (Quigley/Jones)
2nd Ch./NZ. Ch. Elguard Sweet Colleen (Field)
3rd. Ch. Primecca Hummingbird (Callaghan)
Open Bitch:
1st. Ch. Bigglesmere's Liv'n Doll (Imp.U.K.) (Quigley/Jones)
2nd Ch. Paceaway X-Rated (Minter)
3rd Lowenhard Ewok Adventure (Horne)
Challenge Bitch: Ch. Bigglesmere's Liv'n Doll (Imp.U.K.)
Reserve: Ch. Paceaway X-Rated

Property Classes
Best Head - Ch. Chismene Lordov Thestorm
Best Gait - NZ Ch Lowenhart Airborn Alot
Best Coat - Mijochi Clinton
Best Bottom - Ch. Paceaway X-Rated