Interntaional Agility Link (IAL)
Introduction | Rules | Global Administration | Country Representatives
Country Representatives
Country |
CountryID |
Representative |
National IAL webpage |
Australia | AUS | Steve Drinkwater | |
Austria | AUT |
Belgium | BEL | Carl De Rouck
Canada | CDN | Cindy Swiney | |
Colombia | COL | Carlos Quiroz
Croatia | CRO |
(temporarily inactive) |
Czech Republic | CZ | Milena Vrbova
Denmark | DEN | Janne Litgov | |
Finland | FIN | Janita
France | FRA | Jan Fournes | |
Germany | GER | Diana Martin
Hungary | HUN | Peter Seftsik | |
Iceland | ICE | Ivar Bergsteinsson
Ireland | IRE | Irene Hull | |
Israel | ISR | Yuval and Revital | |
Italy | ITA | Nicola Giraudi
IAL Italia |
Japan | JPN | Mitsuru Yamada | |
Latvia | LAT | Lidija Belajeva
Mexico | MEX | Ivan Bistrain | |
Netherlands | NED | Cristel Broekhuis-Klomp | |
New Zealand | NZ | Paul Warner | |
Norway | NOR | Morten Karlsen | |
Poland | POL | Magdalena Ziolkowska | |
Portugal | POR | ??? | |
Russia | RUS | Elena Dmitrotchenko | |
South Africa | ZA | Nadine McInnes
IAL South Africa |
Sweden | SWE | Eva Karlsson | |
Switzerland | SUI | Rico Foelix
United Kingdom | UK | Mary Ann Nester | |
Uruguay | URU | Annie Bourgeois | |
USA | US |
At the moment we do not have any country rep. for the US. Results should be sent to Steve Drinkwater. If you are interested in helping out and becoming the new US rep. please also contact Steve. |