My first judging appointment was in 1981 when I judged some
breed varieties and
Best In Show at a Rutherglen Championship Show. I have awarded CC in Dobermans since 1989 and Löwchen since 1991.
I award green stars in Boxers, Great Danes, New Foundland, Bernese Mountain Dogs,
Bouvier des Flandres, also
Dobermans and Löwchen. In 2004 I had the honour of being invited to judge the
Löwchen Club of N.S.W. Championship Show and the Doberman Club
of South Australia Championship Show. I have judged All
Breeds at Open Show level. Along with my husband Arthur, I have been successfully breeding and showing Dobermans and
Löwchen since 1974, and we have held positions of office on the Halifax Canine Society for over 20 years, my husband as Chairman and myself as Secretary.