I started my involvement with Löwchens in 1981. My first pet bitch called Pepper was responsible for starting my fascination, dedication and total involvement in owning, showing, judging and hobby-breeding. I had never had a dog in my life before then and have only ever owned Löwchens since.
Because of work commitments I have only shown intermittently, sometimes having to forego showing for spells of years at a time. My first champion was campaigned from the Socotra Kennel in Aberdeen (Ch. Socotra Royal Rascal) bred by Annette Strachan. I made up my first “home-grown” Champion (Pridesden Elusive Emerald) from my first litter in 1987. Since then I have campaigned and titled three more Löwchens, one from the Cleeview Kennel and two home-bred. My latest one being Ch. Pridesden Punchinello who was Top Winning Löwchen in the UK in 2003 (Our Dogs and Dog World Competitions).
I have only ever exported two Löwchen puppies – one to Holland that became a Champion and last year, one to Sweden that is already on his way to his title.
During the several years I served on the Committee of the Löwchen Club, I instigated and sat as Secretary on a sub-Committee investigating the health of the breed in the UK and was also Editor of the Year Book.
I was invited to write an article on the breed standard that was published in the dog press. This has since been used as an educational tool for aspiring judges of the breed in Canada. My greatest claim to fame to date is that I was a centrefold in ”Dog World”!!
After doing my training and “Apprenticeship” I began to judge toy dogs in 1987 and judged my first Löwchens at Championship level in May 1993. I judged the Löwchen Club’s own Championship Show in November 1996 and drew the highest entry ever in Löwchens – 83 exhibits.
I have, over the years, undertaken several other appointments in the UK, Ireland, Norway & Sweden.
I am judging the Lowchen Club of NSW Championship Specialty Show in
November 2005. In 2006 I am judging Löwchens at Crufts and in Finland and hope to attend the World Löwchen Congress in Germany in May.