Dog Agility Email Lists
Email lists allow you to discuss agility with hundreds of trainers around the world. They are also a great source of information such as event announcements, rule changes, etc. Here's information on current agility lists.
- The AgileDogs
AgileDogs is the largest and most popular list for agility, particularly in the US. Run by various volunteers, the list is a friendly, helpful place to talk about agility, and has over 1000 subscribers from around the world. You can sign up or search the archives of the list at L-Soft. - The CleanRun
Agility List
The Cleanrun list, run by the popular agility magazine, has grown rapidly into a very popular and active list! The discussions are kept very strictly to agility training and trialing, and you'll find lots of extras like CRCD course diagrams posted regularly. Subscribe at Yahoo Groups. - The Yahoo
Groups Agility List
This list has grown a lot! Over 500 members now, and plenty of agility discussion. Visit the Yahoo Groups page to subscribe, or to read the list archives which are open to the public. - Just For
Fun Agility List
A new list for the new agility organization. Subscribe at Yahoo Groups. - French Agility
There is now an agility list for French-speaking agility fans! Information is at the C.C.D.I.S.H. page. - Pilots4K9s
This list is specifically for fans of the PalmPilot (a popular handheld electronic organizer), to discuss its use for agility and other canine activities. You can subscribe to the list at its Yahoo Groups Page. - Regional
Agility Lists
Here are some lists for agility in specific area of the US:
AgilityArk (Arkansas Agility)
Agility-NH (New Hampshire)
Utah Dog Events
DogAgilityEastCoast (EastCoast Events)
NOVA-Agility (Northern Virginia)
North-Central (OH, PA, IN and MI) - Breed-related
Yahoo Groups Agility Lists
AgiltyJRTs (Agility with Jack Russells)
BriardAgilty (Agility with Briards)
Perf-Shelties (Performance Sheltie List)
Mighty-Mite Agility (More Small Dogs)
TeamBullTerrier (Bull Terrier Performance)
AgileBC (Agility with Border Collies)
SHAgility (Agility with Sighthounds)
Comp-Mixes (Mixed Breeds)
GSD-Agility (Agility with German Shepherd dogs)
Agility Poodle (Agility with Poodles)
Keeshond Agility (Agility with Keeshonden)
Norwich/Norfolk Terrier Agility Discussion List Click to subscribe
- Other Yahoo
Groups Agility Lists
Here are links to other agility-related lists:
CanineAthlete (Multiple canine sports)
NoviceA (Agility Novices)
Junior Handlers in Agility
AgilityOnWheels (Wheelchair Agility)
AgilityDogPlacement (Rescue)
AgileTeach (Agility Instructors)
Agility Equipment
Agility Photography
Agility Products and Equipment
- The
Trial Secretaries list
Trial Secretaries List This is a list for agility trial secretaries.
Agility Bulletin Boards
Bulletin Boards allow you to post messages on your own time and go back and read them when you wish. They are a good alternative if you can't handle the large amounts of email that the lists generate.
- The
Agility Club
The Agility Club is the UK’s largest Kennel Club registered agility club.
Agility Forum
Board specifically for discussions related to UKC Agility (and obedience).
Agility Chat
Chat allows you to have real-time discussions with other agility enthusiasts. Most web chatrooms do require that you use a fairly powerful browser like Netscape or IE.
Agility Chat
Here's a different way to chat. ICQ is a great way to hook up with other people on the internet