Agility Titles and Abbreviations
Organization | Class | Abbrev. | Title | Number of legs |
AKC | Novice | NA | Novice Agility | 3 |
AKC | Open | OA | Open Agility | 3 |
AKC | Excellent | AX | Agility Excellent | 3 |
AKC | Excellent | MX | Master Agility Excellent | 10 |
AKC | Novice Jumpers With Weaves | NAJ | Novice Agility Jumpers | 3 |
AKC | Open JWW | OAJ | Open Agility Jumpers | 3 |
AKC | Excellent JWW | AXJ | Agility Excellent Jumpers | 3 |
AKC | Excellent JWW | MXJ | Master Agility Excellent Jumpers | 10 |
AKC | Combination | MACH | Master Agility Champion | point system |
UKC | Agility I | U-AgI | Agility Level 1 | 3 |
UKC | Agility II | U-AgII | Agility Level 2 | 3 |
UKC | Agility I, II | U-ACH | Agility Champion | Point system |
UKC | Agility III | U-ACHX | Agility Champion Excellent | 5 |
United States Dog Agility Association (USDAA) Agility Titles
USDAA has three performance programs with varying height and speed requirements; Championship (Regular) program and Performance program are current, and the Veterans program has been replaced by the Performance program.
Class | Champ. Abbrev. |
Perf. Abbrev. |
Vet. Abbrev. |
Title | Number of legs |
Starters/Novice | AD | PDI | VAD | Agility Dog (or) Performance Dog I |
3 |
Advanced | AAD | PDII | VAAD | Advanced Agility Dog (or) Performance Dog II |
3 |
Masters | MAD | PDIII | VMAD | Master Agility Dog (or)
Performance Dog III |
MAD: 3 std + 1 each in 4 games Vet, Perf: 3 std |
Snooker | SM | PS | VS | Snooker Master (or Perf. Sn.) | 5 (3 in top 15% for SM, PS) |
Gamblers | GM | PG | VG | Gamblers Master (or Perf. Gamb.) | 5 |
Pairs Relay | RM | n/a | n/a | Relay Master | 5 |
Jumpers | JM | PJ | VJ | Jumpers Master (or Perf. Jmp.) | 5 |
All | ADCH | APD | VPD | Agility Dog Champion (or) Accomplished Performance Dog (or) Veteran Performance Dog |
7* std + GM, JM, RM, SM 7 std + PS, PG, PJ 3 std + VS, VG, VJ |
* Only 3 required if dog completed MAD by Jan. 1, 2000
Abbrev. | Title | Number of legs |
JH-BA | Junior Handler-Beginner Agility | 1 |
JH-EA | Junior Handler-Elementary Agility | 2 |
JH-IA | Junior Handler-Intermediate Agility | 3 |
JH-SA | Junior Handler-Senior Agility | 3 |
(Janet Gauntt, Sally Sheridan, Darelene Woz)
(Updated/formatted 6/23/00 Ellen Finch of The Bay Team)
S | Starters Title Class | JHP | Junior Handler Program Class |
N | Novice Title Class | PGP | Grand Prix Tournament Class |
A | Advanced Title Class | DAM | Dog Agility Masters Tournament |
M | Masters Title Class | BP | Boxed Pairs |
V | Veterans Title Class | KO | Knockout Classes |
G | Gamblers Title Class | O | Other Classes |
SK | Snooker Title Class | OG | Open Gamblers |
J | Jumpers Title Class | OS | Open Snooker |
R | Pairs Relay Title Class | OSTD | Open Standard Agility |
OJ | Open Jumpers | TBD | To Be Determined |
PP | Pairs Pursuit | NT | Non-Titling |
PR | Open Pairs Relay | D | Draw Selection of Pair or Team |
PS | Pre-Starters/Pre-Novice | * | Application Pending |
TS | Time & Score |
(Katie Greer)
North American Dog Agility Association (NADAC) Titles
NADAC has an easy titling abbreviation system. Titles look like:
and each letter can be easily predicted:
Performance Prefix | Level | Class | "Certificate" | Division Suffix |
S-uperior O-utstanding |
Novice Open Elite |
Agility (Regular) Jumpers Gamblers | always C |
-JH for Junior Handler -Veteran |
Therefore, here are the basic titles--just add the appropriate prefix and/or suffix. Point requirements are the same for all Divisions (Regular, Veterans, and Junior Handler).
Abbrev. | Title | Pts Needed | Pts for Outst. | Pts for Super. |
NAC | Novice Agility | 30 | 100 | 200 |
OAC | Open Agility | 30 | 100 | 200 |
EAC | Elite Agility | 30 | 200 | 400 |
NJC | Novice Jumpers | 20 | 50 | 100 |
OJC | Open Jumpers | 20 | 50 | 100 |
EJC | Elite Jumpers | 20 | 100 | 200 |
NGC | Novice Gamblers | 20 | 50 | 100 |
OGC | Open Gamblers | 20 | 50 | 100 |
EGC | Elite Gamblers | 20 | 100 | 200 |
NATCH | NADAC Agility Trial Champion | 230 in Reg., 120 each in G&J | 430/220/220 | 630/320/320 |
A clean Regular round is worth 10 points and a 5-fault
Regular run worth 5 points.
10 pts for each qualifying run in gamblers and jumpers.
(Mary Jo Sminkey; Updated/formatted 6/23/00 Ellen Finch of The Bay Team)
In 2001, NADAC introduced new titles that don't follow the old conventions. These do not have Outstanding or Superior title versions (at least not at the moment). They are:
Abbrev. | Title | Pts Needed |
TN-N | Novice Tunnelers | 30 |
TN-O | Open Tunnelers | 30 |
TN-E | Elite Tunnelers | 30 |
WV-N | Novice Weavers | 30 |
WV-O | Open Weavers | 30 |
WV-E | Elite Weavers | 30 |
TG-N | Novice Touch 'N' Go | 30 |
TG-O | Open Touch 'N' Go | 30 |
TG-E | Elite Touch 'N' Go | 30 |
award, not title? | Novice Versatility Award | earned NAC, NGC, NAC, TN-N, WV-N, TG-N |
award, not title? | Open Versatility Award | earned OAC, OGC, OAC, TN-O, WV-O, TG-O |
award, not title? | Elite Versatility Award | earned EAC, EGC, EAC, TN-E, WV-E, TG-E |
(Added 4/2/2002 Ellen Finch of The Bay Team)
ASCA Agility Titles
RS-N | Reg. Stand. Novice | GJ-N | Gamb. Juniors Novice |
RS-O | Reg. Stand. Open | GJ-O | Gamb. Juniors Open |
RS-E | Reg. Stand. Elite | GJ-E | Gamb. Juniors Elite |
RV-N | Reg. Veterans Novice | GI-N | Gamb. Intern. Novice |
RV-O | Reg. Veterans Open | GI-O | Gamb. Intern. Open |
RV-E | Reg. Veterans Elite | GI-E | Gamb. Intern. Elite |
RJ-N | Reg. Juniors Novice | JS-N | Jump. Stand. Novice |
RJ-O | Reg. Juniors Open | JS-O | Jump. Stand. Open |
RJ-E | Reg. Juniors Elite | JS-E | Jump. Stand. Elite |
RI-N | Reg. Intern. Novice | JV-N | Jump. Vet. Novice |
RI-O | Reg. Intern. Open | JV-O | Jump. Vet. Open |
RI-E | Reg. Intern. Elite | JV-E | Jump. Vet. Elite |
GS-N | Gamb. Stand. Novice | JJ-N | Jump. Juniors Novice |
GS-O | Gamb. Stand. Open | JJ-O | Jump. Juniors Open |
GS-E | Gamb. Stand. Elite | JJ-E | Jump. Juniors Elite |
GV-N | Gamb. Vet. Novice | JI-N | Jump. Intern. Novice |
GV-O | Gamb. Vet. Open | JI-O | Jump. Intern. Open |
GV-E | Gamb. Vet. Elite | JI-E | Jump. Intern. Elite |
(Mary Jo Sminkey)
Agility Association of Canada (AAC) Agility Titles
AAC has three programs with varying height and speed requirements; Regular program, Special program and the Veteran program.
Class | Regular Abbrev. |
Special Abbrev. |
Veterans Abbrev. |
Title | Number of legs |
Starters | ADC | SADC | VADC | Agility Dog of Canada (or) Special Agility Dog of Canada (or) Veteran Agility Dog of Canada |
3 |
Advanced | AADC | SAADC | VAADC | Adv. Agility Dog of Canada (or) Spec. Adv. Agility Dog of Can. (or) Vet. Adv. Agility Dog of Can. |
3 |
Masters | MADC | SMADC | VMADC | Master Agility Dog of Canada (or) Spec. Master Agility Dog of Can. (or) Vet. Master Agility Dog of Can. |
7 (3 std, 4 adv. games)* |
Snooker | MSDC | SMSDC | VMSDC | Masters Snooker Dog of Canada (or Special, Veteran) |
3 |
Gamblers | MGDC | SMGDC | VMGDC | Masters Gamblers Dog of Canada (or Special, Veteran) |
3 |
Team Relay | MTRDC | SMTRDC | VMTRDC | Masters Team Relay Dog of Canada (or Special, Veteran) |
3 |
Jumpers | MJDC | SMJDC | VMJDC | Masters Jumpers Dog of Canada (or Special, Veteran) |
3 |
Champion | ATChC | SATChC | VATChC | Agility Trial Champion of Canada (or Special, Veteran) |
*Three Standard rounds plus Gamblers and 2 other games required if dog completes MADC by Jan. 1, 2000
(Ron Mayeda)Canine Performance Events (CPE) Titles
CPE has an easy titling abbreviation system. Titles look like:
CL1-S or CL4-H
and each part can be easily predicted:
Prefix for "CPE Level" | Level number | Group |
CL | 1 thru 4 |
-Regular (Standard class) -Handler games (Colors plus Wildcard) -Strategy games (Jackput plus Snooker) -Fun games (FullHouse plus Jumpers) |
In addition, the simple titles CL1, CL2, and so on indicate that all four titles at that level have been achieved (so, for example, CL1 replaces CL1-H, CL1-R, CL1-F, and CL1-S). There are no separate veterans titles.
Regular | Handler | Strategy | Fun | |
Level 1 | 2 Qs Standard | 1 each colors & wildcard | 1 each jackpot & snooker | 1 each FullHouse & Jumpers |
Level 2 | 2 clean or 3 Qs | 2 each | 2 each | 2 each |
Level 3 | 3 clean or 4 Qs | 2 each | 2 each | 2 each |
Level 4 | 4 clean or 5 Qs | 2 each | 2 each | 2 each |
CATCH* (level 5 Qs) | 8 clean or 10 Qs | 4 each | 4 each | 4 each |
CADE** (level C Qs) | 20 | 20 each | 20 each | 20 each |
* CATCH: CPE Agility Trial Champion (no Level 5 titles for individual categories)
** CADE: CPE Agility Dog Extraordinaire. This title is more complex. Standard, Jackpot, and Snooker legs are worth 25 points each; Wildcard, Full House, and Jumpers are worth 20 pts. each; and Colors are worth 15 points each. The dog must earn the Qs shown in the preceding table (for a total of 3000 point) AND must earn an additional 2000 points from your choice of classes.
New CPE titles for 2004
There are new Specialist titles for dogs jumping 8" lower than normal; I'm not yet clear on how they work. In addition, there are new titles for dogs competing at Level 5 or C:
Qs required for title in each class | Standard | Colors | Wildcard | Snooker | Jackpot | FullHouse | Jumpers |
Champion, 15 Level 5 Qs | ChST | ChCL | ChWC | ChSN | ChJP | ChFH | ChJU |
Extraordinaire, 30 Level C Qs | ExST | ExCL | ExWC | ExSN | ExJP | ExFH | ExJU |
Dec 14, 2003/Ellen Levy Finch
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